Dad’s Electronic Cigarette Self-Help

My Dad used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day and I used to hate it. After his heart attack and following numerous attempts to pack in the fags, I reached breaking point. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t just stub out for good! Cold Turkey must be hard of course but surely not as hard as having more heart surgery!

We bought him nicotine gum, patches and those funny inhalators but nothing seemed to work. He said he felt like they all helped to curb his cravings but not the habit of holding a cigarette and therefore it was just too difficult to do.

I was about to give up but then after months of worry, I heard about these new electronic cigarettes on the news and thought they were definitely worth a go! I found a website which was really smart and easy to use and there was a lot of choice on there which is good as it means you can continue to use the product once you’ve tried it.

I decided to buy a package that had lots of added extras then he would have no excuses like “the battery ran out” or ” the cartridge is empty” because it came with extra cartridges at a strength and flavour of your choice and two chargers – mains and USB – so handy for when you’re in the office and are a bit stressed with work.

The electric cigarette has made a massive difference to my Dad’s life – he’s not puffing away on toxic cigarettes anymore, he’s using the electronic cigarette or E-cig as he’s calling it now as a healthier alternative and there are some huge differences to note.

Now he’s smoking less, he can run up the stairs without gasping for breath. He can stay in the restaurant with us after a meal and not dash out to get his nicotine hit. He is noticing many benefits so he’s now taking care of himself in other ways – his diet has changed and he is even going to the gym because he is able to! The doctors who he sees for his heart problems are thrilled at his progress.

It’s not just him that it’s benefiting though. My family and I are feeling happier that he is healthier, we can do more things together as he’s saved money from buying fewer cigarettes and even small things like the fact that there is no unwelcoming, off-putting smell anymore when you walk into the house, have made such a massive difference to us all.

The Electronic Cigarette is without a doubt an amazing product that I would recommend to anyone who wants a healthier alternative to smoking. The ease of using it and the fact that it is cheaper make it a no-brainer. If my Dad liked it, it must be good! There are a few different types on the market, and I know he has tried a few, but prefers the ones with an ‘atomizer’. Although the liquid cigarettes can have different flavours, they are all much of a muchness, and the liquid ones tend to be more expensive.

Author Bio: Electronic Cigarette

Category: Self Help
Keywords: electronic cigarette,stop smoking,ecig,e-cig,e cigarette,vapour

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