Do I Really Want to Be My Own Boss?

Is working for yourself everything its cracked up to be? It can be that and more but an essential factor is making the right decision about the industry you want to go into.

Every weekday morning I get up at 06.30am because I have to leave the house by 07.30 so that I’m in the office by 08.30. My contracted hours of work are 08.30 until 17.00 with one hour for lunch equating to 37.5 hours per week. I still usually work past 18.00 in the evening to ensure that I get the job done so even considering all the extra hours that I work do I still feel guilty if I’m a minute late in the morning?

I also hate being late for anything so not only do I feel guilty, I also put myself under pressure so when I’m late I get stressed. It’s the way I’m built, I can’t help it……..and it drives me round the bend!

I don’t like being at the beck and call of somebody else and I’m desperate to work for myself. I’ve thought of many ideas but each time they come to nothing mainly because my idea is less than unique and the money and effort to get it off the ground proves to be prohibitive.

So why not try a Franchise? I get to work for myself, not necessarily to be the boss (I don’t want to order people about) and I also know that whatever money I make, a percentage is mine. At least by buying a franchise I can start up safe in the knowledge that it is a proven business model and I’ll get the set up support and training that I need in order to be successful.

I want to work in a market segment that I’m interested in so the first ideas that came into my head and stuck were a barbecue restaurant franchise or a business networking franchise.

I love barbecue, I love cooking so why not make a living at it? I’ve attended business networking groups for many years as part of the marketing routine for the company I work for and I have to say that I’ve always found Tadacip the social interaction to be enjoyable so this could also be an interesting way forward.

As I started to look at it in more detail I realised that a barbecue restaurant franchise would necessarily meet my needs for quitting the day job in terms of what I was trying to achieve because:

* I’d still be restricted to opening times.

* I’d now be working weekends!

* The financial outlay is quite significant.

Ultimately it comes down to the fact that I love outdoor barbecue cooking too much as a hobby to ever contemplate it as a business venture.

Business networking however is starting to look more and more attractive. The financial outlay is small (although it’s sometimes difficult to see exactly what it is that I am paying for). The socialising becomes part of my daily work and it’s the members of the business networking chapter that actually run the meetings. My job is to sell the network to new members, so if I want a little freedom to do as I please, maybe stay in bed one morning then I don’t have to attend. Of course it’s still my business and the more effort that I put in, the greater the reward that I will reap but it’s about balance and it’s getting that work life balance right in the future that matters.

So in summary, making the decision to work for yourself doesn’t need to such a big risk if you go down the route of buying a franchise. What’s really important is to ensure that you buy the franchise in an industry that interests you so that you will remain enthusiastic. Just be careful to understand the full implication of working in your chosen industry so that you enjoy your work and enjoy your life.

The consequence of getting it wrong is that not only do you hate your work but you actually destroy a hobby that you love in the process.

Author Bio: Peter Nash is now a serial networker and sharing Business Networking Skills and Business Networking Tips and Tricks is now Peter’s passion in life so that more people can benefit from this cost effective way of marketing you and your business.

Category: Business
Keywords: business networking franchise, barbecue restaurant franchise, business networking

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