Do You Really Want Your Daughter to Be a Queen Bee?

Every parent would love for their daughter to be popular and the centre of attention. Don’t you just love it when you see your daughter surrounded by her friends? While it is great that she has a large circle of friends, all seemingly hanging on her every word, you have to pay particular attention to seeing that your daughter is not a Queen Bee.

The world of adolescents is getting more difficult than it ever was before and children are pulled in all directions by conflicting impulses. On the one hand, adulthood beckons whereas on the other hand they are still unsure of how to conduct themselves in this chaotic world. Young girls tend to look for safety in numbers and their group or clique becomes all important. The leader of the clique, the Queen Bee, is the one whose writ runs in this group.

The Queen tends to be skilled at holding her group together by employing a technique of relationship aggression. Girls are far too sophisticated than boys to use their fist in order to bully others. They use far more dangerous weapons against each other, and these are variations of shunning an unfortunate person from the group. This girl’s life can become a living hell because of the name calling, rumors and exclusion she is subject to. She can also be the recipient of harassing emails and text messages as well as an old fashioned whisper campaign.

Groups of girls tend to focus their aggression on newcomers or other girls who do not conform to their type. A group could also turn on one of its own members if the Queen feels that her pre-eminent position is being threatened by another girl who is perhaps getting too popular.

It takes a very well adjusted and confident girl to survive an all out attack by the Queen bee and her underlings. A girl bullying other girls is an all too common experience and it is only getting worse. There are too many instances to recount of girls having been driven to suicide because of the extreme bullying that they were subject to at school.

The irony is that this behavior does not spell good news for the aggressors as well. Studies show that school bullies, whether they were boys or girls, suffered from self esteem issues and tend to do worse off than others in school and eventually in life. They also have a high suicide rate.

If you recognize your daughter as a bully, you have to take immediate corrective action. Apart from the fact that this behavior is simply wrong and disgraceful, she could be painting herself into a corner and will find it hard to escape the consequences of her actions. You have to be very firm about not tolerating such behavior and should take help from her school’s guidance councilor regarding this. Don’t wait for this issue to get out of hand before you react. Your daughter will thank you for your firm stance later on in life.

Author Bio: I am basically a graduate at the University of Hamburg and you can get awesome articles and valid information from the ones which I submit specially for you to take a look at. Check out Queen Images, Queen Graphics or Queen Pictures.

Category: Advice
Keywords: Queen, clique, bully, relationship aggression, suicide, rumors, exclusion, girl bullying

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