Eating Disorders in Men – Not As Uncommon As You Think

Anyone that watches television knows the emphasis that is often placed on being thin. This is seen as a sign of beauty. We even have numerous reality television shows that encourage people do decrease their size and increase their self-esteem through the way that they look rather than their accomplishments or their hard work. Some people believe that these shows and the images that are seen on the television are the reasons why so many females suffer from eating disorders.

While this may be part of the driving force for women eating disorders, most of us seem to forget that this condition does not just effect females. There are a number of men all over the world that are also dealing with eating disorders. Actually, some studies have shown that approximately 3% of men report that they diet all of the time or off and on during the year. Approximately 15% of men will admit that they induce vomiting when they are done eating and close to a quarter of all men admit that they have engaged in binge eating activities in the past.

This information can be startling for some people. But, what is even more concerning is the fact that many doctors do not recognize the signs associated with eating disorders in the men that they are treating. What typically happens in these types of situations is that the doctor will automatically assume the man is dealing with an emotional condition such as depression and that is the cause of the changes in eating.

When men are misdiagnosed by a doctor, they are not very likely to tell the doctor the truth. A man will not generally tell a doctor that they are binge eating or inducing vomiting on a regular basis. This could because eating disorders are usually thought to be female issues. It can be really hard for a man to share his or her feelings with others. They are not as likely to discuss their feelings about weight issues that they may be struggling with or poor self-image issues that need to be addressed by a professional.

Eating disorders can be very dangerous for men and women. The risks associated with these disorders and the complicated problems that they can cause do not change based on an individuals gender. Therefore, it is very important to understand what the signs related to an eating disorder are. If you notice that a male friend or loved on is starting to lose a lot of weight and you notice that they are not eating, exercising all of the time, or they are running to the restroom after they consume a meal then you should be concerned.

Do you automatically assume that depression, or another emotional disorder, is the cause. Men do suffer from eating disorders just like women do. Learning the facts related to male eating disorders can be a step in the right direction. Encourage the man to speak to you about their feelings and what is going on. If they will not speak to you then you need to encourage them to seek professional help.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts is sick of having to run to the store and buy an expensive roll of wrapping paper for every gift that she has to give. Christine has written a site containing reviews on wrapping paper storage, as well as the wrapping paper organizer.

Category: Advice
Keywords: eating disorders,binge eating,women eating disorders,men eating disorders

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