EBay Listing Fees: How To Get Started On Ebay. EBay Listing Fees Reduced For Beginners

eBay listing fees: How to get started on ebay. eBay listing fees reduced for beginners

eBay’s latest changes to their listing fees have been made to encourage sellers to use their platform. Here are 4 points to help understand the changes;

1. Free eBay Listing

For small sellers you can list up to 100 items a month for FREE when the item is listed for 99 cents or less. The only time you pay a fee is when the item is sold, the cost for this is 9% of the final price up to a value of $50. For example for a normal Auction style listing when you list a iPhone with a starting price $0.01 – $0.99 this will cost you nothing. When the item is sold for say $300 you will pay a final fee of $27.

If the item when sold exceeds $560 dollars the most that you would pay is $50 final valuation fee. This fee gets taken off when the buyer pays for the item. The main purpose for this is to encourage small sellers who don’t want to pay a lot of fees when starting out. When you start moving volumes of more than 100 items it is worthwhile looking into eBay’s store pricing structure.

2. When will Free eBay Listing Work?

This works well when you are selling low value items or are making incidental sales. When you start selling items at higher values and with more success then it is worthwhile looking into the eBay store subscriptions which can reduce your listing costs dramatically. The break even point will be when you sell approximately 10 items a month at $80.

3. Free eBay Listing Break Even Point

For higher volume sales of 100 your break even point before you should consider a store is a sale price of on average of $50. eBay have provided a illustrator to assist in making cost comparisons to better understand how it will affect you.

4. Paying for eBay Items

To pay for items eBay have moved away from the Paypal only option and now you have a number of other options available.

* PayPal

* ProPay (buyer doesn’t need an account can use credit or debit card)

* Moneybookers (can use credit card but also charge 1.90% for forex exchange rates)

* Paymate (buyer doesn’t need an account can use credit card)

* Credit card or debit card processed through the seller’s Internet merchant account (this is only for large scale sellers)

The seller will have to decide which provider they will use all of this will depend on their fees and if it fits with their needs. Some are stronger on risk management than others and you will have to evaluate which one is going to best suit your needs. Some of the payment providers do charge a annual fee and again is more suited for the higher volume seller.

P.S To find out how much your listings will cost there is an easy to use tool, if you are serious about using ebay to generate extra income this tool will give you an idea what to budget for.

Author Bio: I invite you to claim your FREE report to find out how to sell on eBay, for the fee illustrator tool come to http://www.ebayhowtovideos.com/faq/. Sign up to my FREE newsletter for regurlar updates. Easy to follow videos perfect for new ebay sellers from Lance Lovelady your “how to ebay guide”.

Category: Internet
Keywords: ebay listing fees, sell on ebay, make money on ebay,ebay store,ebay listing, ebay auction listing

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