Exercise and Weight Loss Diet

Diet is often seen as the first approach people make to weight loss program because it is the most widely accepted plan for ages. And over the years there have been lots of new diet programs developed by dietary experts. Few of them became quite hit and others flopped! But the fact that every obese or overweight people should know is that no diet works better unless it is accompanied by exercise or physical activity. Yes, if you are overweight the main recipe of success for reducing weight is to combine diet and also exercises.

Exercise and diet plans go hand in hand in reducing weight. Researches by numerous institutions have found that people who simply stick to diet for weight loss show very slow results and they mostly become fed up with the diet and fail in their mission. Nearly 65% of people give up after trying few weeks’ simple diet programs. On the other hand the group of people who engage themselves in diet plans and also everyday regular exercises of at least 30 minutes showed improved results of weight loss. They nearly 87% of people who followed combined plan of diet and exercise reduced considerable weight in nearly 8 weeks.

Thus exercises along with diet makes losing weight easy. What kind of exercises one need to do for reducing weight? Well, for accomplishing the mission of weight loss one does not need to engage themselves in heavy weight training or other such rigorous exercises. Few simple and regular cardiovascular exercises will fit the bill. Given below are types of exercises that you can do every day along with diet plans.

Spinning: Spinning is one popular form of cardiovascular exercises which can help you burn lot of calories and helps enhance your weight loss program. It has been found to have same effects cycling or biking. At least 15 minutes of spinning everyday will make your body fit and muscle mass grow thus removing the fats!

Running/Brisk Walking: It is another popular form of exercise that goes well along with diet for weight loss. Running for 10 minutes every day morning or evening will make your body sweat and burn more calories. Running engages whole body workout thus providing balanced strength to your legs, hips, back, hands and arms. If you find it difficult to run go for brisk walking that has almost equivalent benefits in weight loss.

Jumping: If feasible jump for 5-10 minutes every day on a mini trampoline. This is a good form of exercise that shakes your whole body and burns the fat. Your backyard can fit a mini trampoline so that you can express fresh air while doing the exercise in the morning.

Stretching and Body Movements: Overweight people usually lead sedentary lifestyle. Hence they need to spend some time stretching and making body movements. Stretching is a good way to increase flexibility of body and keep the organs in proper shape.

After few weeks of these exercises when your body becomes used to physical activity you can start doing some amount rigorous exercises too like push-ups, skates and light weight training.

Author Bio: Forget diet as you know it. Learn how to actually work with your body to lose weight naturally with Alicia Carnegie at DietDestroyer .

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss,diet training, diet, body, exercise,reduce weight, weight-loss program

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