Exploring the Best Method to Lose Weight – Boot Camp Versus Other Weight Loss Methods

Ever since realization dawned on the humankind that obesity is the cause of a number of ailments and its nibbling psychological impedance, man has been evolving ways to overcome the problem of flab. The earliest method of winning the battle against obesity centered on dieting. Now, the fitness boot camp devised on the lines of military boot camps is the modern laboratory for the highly health conscious public to try out means for reducing weight and stay fit.

Various other techniques that have been advocated and practiced with a degree of success for weight loss include the surgical route and managing weight with pills. Each of the techniques used have their merits and demerits in their functionality. But as in most cases, the cause of obesity is due to leading a sedentary life, it is necessary to supplement any form of weight reduction program with physical exercises, akin to those performed in a fitness boot camp.

The valid criticism of dieting is that it makes one feel week and tired, whereas, the work outs in the fitness boot camp rejuvenates a person. Further as dieters show tendency to eat avariciously, in between dieting, crash dieting will not help one achieve favorable results in weight loss on a long term basis. As opposed to dieting which is carried out as a unilateral act, the boot camps are group activities where one is able to share the moments of success and failure with the fellow participants, to produce better results.

For very bulky individuals, the surgical option seems to be the quick-fix solution for weight loss. Modern methods of surgical intervention include implanting bands in the intestine which restrict the intestinal area, forcing the voracious eater to refrain from tucking in his favorite food lavishly. But the person undergoing surgery has to face the risk of side effects that may turn to be debilitating. When compared to this, the fitness programs in a boot camp does not give rise to any ill-after effects on the system, making it safer and better option to lose weight. Secondly the surgical methods are associated with pain, while the person pursuing the fitness regime in boot camps does not experience any such pain but only experiences joy during and after the work-outs, making it thus as the perfect option for weight reduction.

Researchers have now come up with painless medical remedies for weight loss with magic pills for reducing weight. But again on the flip side, pills have to be taken for the rest of the life to maintain status-quo. Taking pills for such long durations may ultimately prove fatal on the systems in the body and also is an expensive proposition. Moreover, the biggest disadvantage of pills is that they do not act in the same way on every individual, unlike the physical exercises performed in a boot camp which have a uniform impact on all the participants.

The group atmosphere in a boot camp helps in inspiring a person to push his efforts to the maximum under the watchful eyes of the experienced fitness trainer. The presence of a qualified fitness trainer helps in chalking out a program that suits the group. A combination of simple and non-strenuous exercises including, running and weight-lifting are prescribed to the participants to help them work out in a sprightly atmosphere to achieve the intended physical fitness. The boot camps without merely remaining as group exercise camps, provides useful tips on the nutritional intake for the participants, making it as comprehensive programs for fitness and health care, comparing with the traditional forms of weight loss programs.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a boot camp expert. If you would like to sign up for a boot camp Malabar or a Darlinghurst bootcamp trial, visit bootcamp Sydney.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: boot camp Malabar, Darlinghurst bootcamp, bootcamp Sydney

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