Feeling Tired Or Depressed? 3 Common Causes & Tips Feel Better Now

Thousands of people throughout the world go through each and every day feeling tired, depressed, or both. While some of the causes of tiredness and depression may be due to serious illness many others are linked to common causes that are easily and quickly correctable without medications. Here are 3 very common causes of tiredness and depression and tips on how to start feeling better now.

Lack of Exercise

People who work in offices all day often come home feeling tired and depressed. Often times they blame these feelings on the job stress and while stress can be a factor the most common cause of this problem is lack of exercise. Ironically, by feeling tired you are less likely to exercise once you get home and this results in poor sleep habits and feeling increasingly tired and depressed.

The solution to this problem is to start getting exercise. Although you may have to actually push yourself to exercise in the beginning, you will quickly find that getting a moderate amount of exercise each day will make you feel less exhausted and more energetic which in turn will make you feel less depressed. Exercise will also help you to relax making it possible to get better sleep and allowing you to awake feeling refreshed. Find ways to get a little exercise throughout the day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, park your car further away from the building, walk around the block during lunch. You will soon be surprised how even a little exercise can give you more energy and a new out look on life.


As strange as it may sound your feeling of tiredness could be due to not having enough water in your body. Even slight dehydration can cause imbalances in every muscle and cell in your body leaving you feeling tired and depressed. Drinking adequate amounts of water throughout the day can make you feel more alert and improve your outlook on life. Drinking 8-10 ounces of water every couple of hours throughout the work day can quickly make you feel wide awake and alert and give you a more sunny outlook.

Lack of Sunshine

The sun is our main source of vitamin D which is a vitamin that is necessary to maintain our energy levels and our outlook on life. During the winter months when sunshine is less available thousands of people suffer from what is called SED or seasonal effect disorder. However, anyone can suffer from this disorder at any time of the year particularly those people whose jobs keep them inside during daylight hours.

Studies have shown that getting as little as 10 minutes of sunlight a day can make you feel less tired and ease mild depression. Combining sunshine with exercise can do wonders for as well as make you feel healthier overall.

While there are medications available for those who are suffering from chronic tiredness or depression due to medical issues, for most of us getting moderate amounts of exercise and sunshine and drinking the right amount of water to keep our bodies balanced is all that is needed to make us feel less tired and ease those feelings of mild depression.

Author Bio: This article was brought to you by Sean H and RockinHammocks.com, an online retail company specializing in hammocks & accessories. We offer products like the duracord rope hammock and cotton rope hammock. To learn more, visit our site or call 1-800-652-4098.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: depressed,dehydrated, tired,feel tired,feeling depressed, fatigue,headache, exercise,feel healthier

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