Get Girl to Like You

How to get girl to like you is a burning questions most men have. I was in the situation too. I always got rejections from the women I met or approached, but now, I am happily married, not just a wife, but a beautiful wife. I consider her as a hot babe.

I shall share with you some practical steps to get a girl to like you. These steps are the steps I discovered from the time I spent with my wife. They are simple steps but not easy to master.

Step One

Approach the woman in a champion way. If you want to get a girl to like you, definitely, approaching her in a champion way is the first step. You may have approached women before, but fail to get any girls to like you. You fall into let’s be friend zone.

You do not know how to get out of friends zone with her. Therefore, approaching the woman in a champion way can prevent you from being in friends zone with her. If you mess up in step one, it is tough to get her to like you.

Step Two

Create and having an interesting conversation with the woman you approach. This is a critical step too. If you fail to create interesting conversation with her, you may not see any value in you. You need to stop worry what to talk, but be really interested to know her. Get to know what she likes, her hobbies, what she does for recreation, where would she go for vacation, etc.

Show her you are interested in knowing her, and not just interested in her body. Sometimes, you may have done step one well, and proceed well with step two by creating and having interesting conversation with her, but unable to let her know you are really interested in knowing her, so she might reject you.

Step Three

If you have done step one and step three successfully, step three should be easy. She will start to like you and would want to carry on talking to you. Ask for her number, so that you can meet up for any activities both you and her enjoy.

Other than getting her number, get her email too. You can email her interesting videos, articles or music, anything you can find. Get her facebook too. It’s a great way to really know her. You can know her age, where she graduated, who are her friends, and maybe you may have common friends.

Step Four

Date her. Call her and arrange a date with her. Make the date interesting, not just any normal dinner. Be different, and let her know you are different from other men.

Give her surprise if possible. Women like surprises. If you can create surprise during the first date, she will remember you. Ask your friends for ideas, and do some research on internet for ideas.

Step Five

Once you have date her for more than 3 times, you may do some kiss test and see if she likes you. If she kisses you passionately, bingo, you have gotten her.

Author Bio: I have created Get Girl Blog, check out the blog for freebies. Kamagra Soft The link is

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to get girl to like you, approach women, get her number, get date from women, kiss test

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