How Can You Know When Girls Are Flirting With You

In the beginning when both sexes have some interest in each other, they will indulge in an anxious ebb and flow flirtation to test the waters and see whether the other party is ready for some serious romantic relationship. If you are savvy enough to read her signals on whether or not your affections will be reciprocated, you will then know whether you can or is interested to take the relationship to another higher level.

Girls conciously or unconciously tend to give out conflicting signals to unbalance you during this period and therefore it will sometimes be rather unclear to you why she is blowing hot and cold. This is to make it more difficult for you to tell whether or not they are just flirting or having a really good time.

One thing is for sure tough. That is if you make an explicit move on them when they are not flirting with you, they will let you know very quickly. Not to worry about that though as this is just a game of summing up each other.

Yes, although it might perhaps be much simpler if women just tell you straight upfront that they really do like you and that they will like you to ask them out for a date. But things rarely happen this way in the seduction game.

So how do you know if she is flirting with you and if she is interested in you? Well, there are variations in different cultures. But generally in the Western developed world, she will usually lean forward towards you whenever you are talking. She may just slip her arm into yours each time you are strolling outside or her hands now and then brush against you “accidentally”. These are very subtle body language signals you must be aware of.

More signs that she is flirting with you may include playing with her hair or tilts her head a little bit to one side whenever you get close to her. The other signals of her teasing you is when she starts touching you more than usual albeit casually.

Remember, even though she is flirting with you does not mean that you can grope and climb all over her. If you do that, most likely she will be disgusted and the game will be over. So do not assume anything at all.

Professional settings flirtation is a very different animal altogether as in the case of flirting in the office, you may be accused of sexual harassment if you are not careful. So if you do suspect that a female colleague is interested in you, you can ask her to go for a coffee break or to dinner after office hours to be in a neutral environment.

Even if both of you are interested in each other, try not to flirt in the office environment in front of your bosses and colleagues. If you do this, tongues may wag and office politics may get dragged into the fray.

There are many ways to know if a woman is interested in you and is flirting with you to get your attention and then to size you up. If you are just the average man looking for a relationship, the the best way is to be relaxed in your demeanor, but mentally alert to her body language. If you want to master the game, then you need to learn the skills of a master seduction flirt.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Premature Ejaculation Treatment Cure and Sex Aphrodisiac Sexual Enhancement

Category: Dating
Keywords: flirting, seduction, women, sexual enhancement

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