How do You Know Fake or Real Diamond? – Tips That Can Help You Out

As the old adage goes, diamond is a girl’s best friend. Because of its unique beauty and scintillating appeal, of all the precious gems in the world, diamond has managed to capture the hearts of everyone, regardless of whether or not they can afford to have a piece of their own. From royalty to celebrities, diamonds are not just revered for its shine, but for how much each costs as well. Though it’s easy to think that diamonds are all the same, the truth is, there are some that are considered to be more valuable than others. If you’re seriously considering making your first big purchase in the diamond industry, then it’s important that you start reading up on how you can get your money’s worth. But how do you know fake or real diamond? Let this short article show you how.

Ever since the diamond has become one of the world’s precious commodities, there have been a lot of people who have started to create fake ones. While a majority of these fakes are currently being used as embellishments to clothing, fancy jewellery and even bags and shoes, there are some that have managed to pass off as real thing. And since it’s become a way to make an easy buck, many people have already been fooled into buying fake diamonds under the notion that their purchases were legitimate. Buying a fake diamond can be quite a costly mistake so if you want to protect your interests and your investment, make sure to have your diamond tested.

One of the most popular ways that can help you determine whether a diamond is real or fake is by using a diamond tester. You can rely on this nifty electronic device for almost 98% of time, except when it comes to moissanite stone. Aside from using this special piece of equipment, you can also gauge a diamond’s authenticity by weighing it, as fake stones tend to weigh a lot heavier than the real ones.

But how do you know fake or real diamond if you don’t have a diamond tester at your disposal? If you want an unadulterated approach to checking diamonds, then you can always do the transparency test. To do this test, simply place the stone on a newspaper and see if the words underneath the stone will legibly appear. If you are able to read print through the diamond, there’s a big chance that you have a fake in your hands.

Another way that you can test your diamond is by using the fog test. But before you can do this test, you should first clean the diamond’s surface properly as dirt and grime can throw off the credibility of this test. This is considered to be one of the easiest ways as all you’ll need to do is to blow some air from your mouth on to the stone. If the diamond develops fog then you can be sure that the stone is a fake. Diamonds just aren’t built to hold heat.

Last but not the least if you’re still asking yourself the question how do you know fake or real diamond, then it might be a good idea to subject it to the ultra violet test. Simply hold it under black light and see if it will give off a blue colour. If it does, then it’s authentic. If it doesn’t, then it’s time that you start looking for a more reliable seller.

When it comes to purchasing diamonds, it’s always best to first test out the stone before deciding to actually pay for it. Make sure to choose stones that have been awarded certificates by a diamond grading authority so that you know for sure that you’re buying the real thing.

Author Bio: The article written by Zarqoo. Please visit How do you Know Fake or Real Diamond for more information and homepage visit

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: How do you Know Fake or Real Diamond, diamond guide, diamond guides, diamond

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