How Much Do You Think You Know About Bacterial Vaginosis?

BV, or commonly being referred as Bacterial Vaginosis by many women and health practitioners is among the many types of vaginal infections that affect millions of women around the world every year. In certain countries in the world, BV is also referred as vaginitis or just vaginosis. In fact, they are all referring to the same thing even though the medical terms might differ a little.

If you do a search on Google, you will also see some other similar terms like Trichomoniasis, Candida, yeast infections or HPV. However, these are other types of vaginal infections and are not directly related to bacterial vaginosis in any sense.

The most important thing to know about bacterial vaginosis is that it’s not life threatening. It will not lead to death. Don’t be scared if on one unlucky day your doctor tells you that you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis.

However, the impact of bacterial vaginosis towards your daily lifestyle cannot be underestimated as well. It will be significant. It might take a heavy toll on you, both mentally and physically.

You might feel separated and abandoned by your partner and group of friends because of the strong fishy odor from the vaginal areas which is caused by bacterial vaginosis. You might also be challenged physically because of the burning and itching sensations you might experience throughout the day.

Therefore, it is absolutely vital that you get immediate treatment and medications once you think you are showing the signs and symptoms of BV, especially the two which has been discussed above. It makes it easier to get rid of BV the earlier it is detected.

A prolonged and untreated bacterial vaginosis could become chronic which then leads to long term and other complicated problems like infertility.

One of the main reasons almost every 1 out of 4 women will suffer from bacterial vaginosis in their lifetime is because the delicate vaginal flora is disrupted. It can happen due to many reasons and it differs from women to women. Some of the examples are hormonal changes, prolonged sickness, pregnancy, stress, menopause, unhealthy diet, unhealthy vaginal hygiene and oral sex. In some rare cases, even the brands of soaps used for bath are shown to lead to bacterial vaginosis. You might be surprised, but it’s true!

Some people might ask how can a imbalance or disrupted vaginal flora leads to bacterial vaginosis. That is mainly because they do not know what is a vaginal flora and how it works.

The vaginal system is a very complex and sensitive ecosystem where up to a thousand of different bacteria are found to be inhibiting in there at any given time. There are mainly 2 types of bacteria, Lactobacili (the good ones) and Anaerobes (the bad ones). The main purpose of Lactobacili is to prevent the Anaerobes from over populating the vaginal system. Both of these bacteria live in a perfect balance to form a healthy vaginal flora.

From tests done in the lab, a perfectly healthy vaginal system would be around 3.8pH to 4.5pH. If the Anaerobes starts to grow more than the Lactobacili, that’s where the problem starts which could eventually lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Author Bio: Bernie Lo is the owner of, a website dedicated to educate every women about bacterial vaginosis and help them cure bacterial vaginosis with home and natural remedies. You can get your FREE bacterial vaginosis fact sheet at today!.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: bacterial vaginosis causes, bacterial vaginosis oral sex, bv oral sex, practice oral sex, bv cause

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