How to Become a Beauty Queen

Many people wonder how they become a beauty queen like those they see on TV. Sometimes the answer is simple and other times it can be very difficult. Some people have the natural talent to win pageants, whereas others have to work very hard to achieve their goals. This article will briefly describe how to become a beauty queen.

The first thing you need to know before you can become a beauty queen is what pageants are. A pageant can consist of many rounds but normally there are four different rounds. The contestants in a pageant are judged on their overall appearance, swim suit, interview, and evening gown. The overall appearance section is usually taken throughout the whole competition and a score is given at the end. During the swim suit portion the ladies will come out in their bathing suits and spin for the judges. The interview section is usually the hardest section because is consists of the judges asking random questions and the contestant answering them. Normally the last part of a pageant is the evening gown. This is one last chance for the judges to notice you in a flashy dress.

Although many pageants may vary these are the most common. Before entering a pageant to become a beauty queen you should take into consideration what you will have to do in the pageant. If you are not comfortable in a swim suit it is not wise to enter a pageant where there is a swim suit section. After finding the pageant that is right for you, you should start preparing yourself for the pageant.

To prepare for the pageant you will take all of the rounds into consideration. Sticking with the same scenario of the average four round pageant, there are many things that you should think about. You should figure out what dresses are flattering on you and get the dress of your choice. The same goes for a swim suit. After picking those two things out most girls prefer to find out what they are going to do with their appearance. Some girls choose to get their hair dyed so that it looks natural and freshen up their look by getting their eyebrows and makeup done. The most important thing to do is practice your interview part. You will need to know the standards of the pageant to do this, and practice so that you know how to impress the judges.

A lot of girls also think it is a good idea to have a coach that can mentor you through the process. A mentor should be someone who has been in the position before and has completed it with success. The mentor can be someone you know, or a complete stranger. All that is important when looking for a mentor is that you feel comfortable working with her and taking her advice.

The most important thing to know about becoming a beauty queen is that you may not win every pageant. Many people compete in multiple pageants before they get first place. The chances are that you will not win first place in the first pageant you compete in because becoming a beauty queen takes time and patience.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts loves pampering her daughter so, of course, she got her a princess bed. Christine has written a site containing reviews on twin canopy bed, as well as kids trundle beds.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: beauty queen,first pageant,beauty pageant

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