How to Hit Your Target Word Counts Every Time

One of the hardest part of being a novice writer is to meet the targeted word count of the content that you are tasked to write. Although it may not be a problem if you had a whole day of vacant time for a single content writing, then you don’t have any problem since you have a much longer time in completing your content.

But if you still have a lot of contents that you need to finish within the day, therefore you need to work faster so that you will be productive enough with your writing task. A well written content must not that short and not too long. However, if you are given with a fixed word count to complete your writing, then you should meet that targeted word count before your writing deadline comes.

Besides, your teacher or your boss knows how long a writing composition must be especially in web content writing where you submit your contents online. These kinds of content must not be that long since your readers don’t have enough time to read all your writings. However, with an approximate number of word count, it will be enough for them to look for the right knowledge about the topic you are discussing.

Complying for that word count is going to be hard if you ran out of words in your mind to elaborate your topic more. That’s going to be time consumable. What you need is to know the ways in order to meet the targeted word count for your content.

Whatever kind of material you are writing, keeping within the required word counts are an important aspect of the whole process. There are different reasons for requiring particular lengths, of course, with your own reason depending largely on the kind of text you are putting together.

Most class professors require students to keep their essays at a certain length to make them easier to check. Magazine features usually subscribe to specific word counts to fit allotted spaces in their publications. Suffice to say, when someone asks you to limit the amount of words in your piece, there’s usually a sensible reason for it.

Writing Your Draft

When putting together a first draft, aim to make it between 10 to 20 percent longer than your intended word count. That’s because you’ll usually end up chopping up a good amount of text in between using a proofreading software and editing the piece for clarity.

To be able to keep track of how many words you’re writing, use a word processor that has a running word count constantly on display. Many of them, especially those directed specifically for working writers, offer it as additional features.

Block Writing

If you work well with outlines, arrange it so that one outline represents one block of text. Try dividing the target word count among each block, allotting more for those parts that you need to discuss in greater detail. Make sure you stick to the assignments the same way you follow the topics listed in your outline.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: target word counts, word counts

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