How to Increase Your Vertical Jump

Many athletes want to increase their vertical jump but at times, it can be impossible to achieve. In order to jump higher, you have to improve your strength and you must learn how to apply explosive power on the ground. With commitment and hard work, you can do it in a month!

What are things that you will need for this activity? You will have to get the right training shoes that absorbs impact efficiently band 3 ft/2 ft platform or box. If you want to enhance your explosive power and strength, you will need to do sprints regularly. To ensure better athletes, you can also do agility training. Having a professional to guide you in your trainings can be an advantage. However, if you prefer to train on your own, you can simply follow this step by step guide.

Perform a 10 yd dash, divided into four short bursts. You can do this by running ten yards then touching the ground; running again for another ten years and touch the ground; and so on and so forth until you’ve finished the set. You can begin with around three sets for 3 times every week. After two weeks, you can increase the number of sets you perform.

Do some depth jumps. By doing this exercise, you can work out your quads, gluts, and hamstring. This is a great way to teach your muscles to ‘recoil’. This is where you will need the box or the platform. Jump from the box and once your feet touches the ground, you have to explode upwards! This is considered as one rep. Do three sets with each set having 20 reps; perform this 3 times a week and increase the reps after two weeks.

To condition your leg muscles and at the same time build endurance, you have to perform alternate leg jumps. You will need the 2 ft box or platform. Place your foot on the platform, forming 90˚. Switch the position of legs by jumping high. You have to do two sets with each set consisting of twenty reps.

Another exercise that you can do is calf’s raise. This is also called toe raise. Stand with your feet on the ground. Raise your feet while balancing until the balls of your feet are the only ones touching the ground. Perform 3 sets with each set consisting of 5 reps.

These are the exercises that you can perform in order to increase your vertical jump. You have to be consistent and hard working. While you’re doing the exercises, you have to eat more protein rich foods and drink plenty of water. Eating fruits is also a great plus. Remember that you will need good quality shoes that can absorb impact. If you’ve had leg injuries in the past, consult with your doctor first because you might get injured during the exercises.

In a matter of month, you can already increase your vertical jump. Have patience, determination, and discipline. With the right attitude, you can accomplish this task.

Author Bio: Get started on a vertical jump workout that will help you to learn how to jump higher and be able to dunk. There are many great vertical jump exercises you can do but some are more effective than others so you need to make sure you get on the right jump higher program. We have numerous jump higher exercises that are proven to help increase your vertical jump.

Category: Sports
Keywords: jump higher, vertical jump, basketball, sports

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