How to Make Money Online Part 10 – Is Paid Advertising Worthwhile?
Last time we looked at generating free traffic, now we will look at paid advertising, and if it is worthwhile.
There are a few different methods to make money online with paid advertising, such as:-
1. ppc – Pay per click involves putting an ad in a search engine like Google, and having it display when someone searches for the keyword you bid on. If someone is interested in your ad, they will click on it, and be directed to your website or offer. You will be charged for that click.
This method brings instant traffic to your website or offer, but to make or earn money online this way you need to have exactly the right ads with exactly the right keywords. It can very quickly cost you a lot of money, if you choose a keyword that is to general.
The best way to make money online with ppc is to research keywords which people interested in your product or service are typing in.
For example, someone typing in “website design” could simply be looking at different website designs for a school project. Someone typing in “cheap website design service” is probably looking for someone to design a website for them, and wants a good deal.
2. Facebook ads- these appear on the right of the screen on people’s facebook pages, who have interests which match your keywords. You get a picture and a very short blurb to interest people in your product or service.
This method is a bit different from ppc, because people are not actively looking for something; they are simply viewing their facebook page. Your ad will have to catch their attention and only attract people interested in buying your product or service. At 75 cents a click, it only takes 125 people or so who are only interested in having a look, to blow a lot of money with no sales.
3. Banners – you’ve seen them everywhere, offering everything possible.
Banners do work, but are quite expensive, so the websites you display them on must have people very interested in your product or service to make money online.
Another use of banners which works well, but takes time to do, is to set up a site of your own on the same topic as your product or service, or on a topic which those people like to look at. This is a fantastic method, which if researched properly can be a very nice money earner.
There are websites which show you the demographics of people who search for your keywords. This shows the age, gender, amount of income, nationality and other such information. It also shows you what their other interests are. For example, people who search for how to lose weight are mostly women, above 30, who also are interested in beauty products, travel and health products.
Based on this information, you could place your weight loss banners on sites on these topics, and reach a very large base of interested people. Just because they are not looking for a weight loss product right now, doesn’t mean they won’t click on your banner.
There are a lot more ways to advertise, and I highly recommend purchasing a training package to help you with paid advertising.
Is paid advertising worthwhile? Yes, if done properly and smart! For those beginning, I don’t recommend jumping in and putting up your own ads with no training or guide. You will lose a lot of money fast. I certainly did when I began.
Paying less than $100 for a training program which will step you through the process and teach you the mistakes to avoid first will save you hundreds of dollars very quickly.
Good luck.
Author Bio: David Mee has learned by trial and error how to make money online and which training programs are the best value for money. David has reviewed two of the best training courses he has used, and has put together some useful information for those just starting out. Visit to see if any these training courses will help you.
Category: Advice
Keywords: How to make money online ,make money online,earn or make online money,ppc advertising