How to Overcome Obesity in Childhood

Today many parents are facing a new problem. Their children are obese, and they don’t know how to deal with this. Fat children become fat adults, and their health may be jeopardized by the extra weight. This hazard has been linked to diabetes and heart disease. It can also make them subject to other children’s jokes and taunts, an unfair predicament for a child of any age.

There are many reasons children may be overweight. The pounds can creep up over the years. Or it could happen quickly if a child doesn’t get enough exercise. Parents must take care to evaluate a situation carefully, in order to determine what the cause might be.

Exercise is one key method of helping a child lose weight. Parents should try to get their child outside for at least an hour per day. When children are sitting at a computer or video game all the time, they are more likely to end up with a weight problem. It is also good if the local school presents some type of gym class on a daily basis. Parents need to get their schools to do this.

The child’s diet should also be taken into account. When children eat more sweets and crispy foods, or when they drink a lot of soda, it’s hard to keep the weight off. Buy them less fast food. Try to prepare home cooked meals that offer a balance of nutrients. Also, adding more fruit to their diets might change things. Get them interested in things like blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries.

One out of three children is now considered overweight. This a great change from what we saw a few years ago. You might want to make an appointment to see your family doctor to discuss this problem. The doctor will determine if further tests are needed or if a change of diet will be enough.

When children become unhappy with their weight, they can develop other bad habits. Some may become anorexic or bulimic. These children can also become depressed, and many will have low self esteem. Parents will have to pay careful attention to determine if any of these things are happening in their house.

Not all obese children become obese adults. However, there is a growing problem in this country, and many children do not lose weight. Most children face this problem if their parents are also obese. Obesity treatment programs don’t actually focus on losing weight. They try to get the child to learn to slow or maintain their weight, so they can grow into the correct body size. Fasting and extreme calorie deprivation is frowned on by most experts.

When you eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly, you help incorporate healthy habits into your family’s life. You model a healthy lifestyle. You need to talk to your children about the importance of eating right and getting exercise. Most of all you need to let them know you love them, no matter what. You want them to be happy and healthy. This is your goal.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Child Obesity

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