How To Prevent Lower Back Golf Injuries

One of the most common injuries golfers can sustain is the lower back injury. This is because playing a game of golf puts massive of strains on the lower back. The strains are caused by the execution body mechanics of the golf swing. The execution of the golf swing alone puts the lower back under immense shearing forces on each and every golf swing. Thus the muscles of the lower back must be strong enough to withstand the forces applied to the lower back.

Your muscles are under stress from all strenous physical activities and will eventually be fatigue. Once your lower back muscles are fatigued, the supporting muscles of the golf swing mechanics are being compromised.

Research have shown that as much as 50% of all golfers will suffer some form of lower back injury during their playing days. In other words, every one in two golfers will suffer back injuries as a result from playing the game and thus is a serious impediment to your lower back health.

So how then can you know that you may be susceptible to this injury? Well, just pay attention to your body and game as often times prior to the injury occurring, a drop in performance of your game will occur. This is because of the muscle fatigue explained earlier.

Since your muscles are fatigued, the mechanics of the golf swing cannot be executed in its correct form and it is here that a bad swing will cause your lower back to get injured. To golfers who are already suffering from back problems such as spurs, spinal deterioration, arthritis, spondylosis, stenosis and discs compressions amongst others, this additional injury can cause massive pain and further damage to the back and perhaps permanent damage may occur.

So in order to avoid and prevent lower back injury, the development of muscular endurance in the lower back to withstand the stressors of the golf swing is of utmost importance for every golfer.

Muscular endurance is the ability of the neuromuscular system of the body to perform a repetitive biomechanical movement such as the golf swings without becoming fatigued. The question then is how do you develop muscular endurance specific to the golf swing? The answer is to incorporate golf fitness exercises into a structured program to strengthen your body specifically for the golf game.

In addition to the development of increased muscular endurance the efficiency of the golf swing mechanics may also require adjustment as the efficiency within the mechanics of the swing can directly affect the amount of stress placed upon the lower back. So you must practise with good swing techniques.

It is a fact that the shearing forces on the lower back of a professional golfer is significantly less than the amateur golfer. Why is this so? This is simply because the mechanics of the golf swing performed by the professional is much more efficient and thus placing less stress on the lower back as most professionals do include golf fitness training in their exercise program.

An inefficient golf swing places much higher levels of shearing forces on the musculature of the lower back causing fatigue and injuries. A comprehensive golf fitness program to develop higher levels of muscular endurance and the creation of a efficient golf swing golf through proper instructions will help to keep your lower back injury free.

If you do not want to see your golf playing days cut short prematurely because of lower back injuries and suffer the physical pain caused by these injuries, then do consider seriously to get a golf fitness instructor to condition your muscles so that you can enjoy your games and play better golf for many more years to come.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness and health consultant. Read his free articles at Play Better Golf Fitness Training Program and Singapore Gym Fitness Instructors

Category: Sports
Keywords: golf fitness training program, golf swing, golf games, power, strength

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