How to Unlock the Self Miracle in You

Wouldn’t it be great if we could just pick the exact self help advise we needed for any particular need we had at any particular time much like we’d pick an apple off a tree, or a can of soup off a grocery shelf? What if self improvement advise were free and scattered around everywhere? Maybe then there would be no problems regarding life, happiness and success as each of us defines it individually, and together we interpret it collectively.

That’s a nice idealistic thought, but this is real life, lived in a real world. And it just does not work that way. Or does it? Surely there is no “one size fits all” magic pill that is exactly the right self miracle for me, or the right self improvement for you, or the right self development for everybody, each and every time we need it.

Say, for example, that you are trapped in an environment in which you do not want to be, a relationship in which you do not wish to continue, a set of circumstances from which you need to remove yourself, an employment situation that absolutely needs to improve.

What can we do to solve these problems, deal effectively with these dilemmas, overcome the complexities of these issues?

Well let me assure you that it is possible to take inspired and motivated action to survive your present negative position, whatever it may be, and to live the happier, more fulfilling, more successful life that you have always dreamed of living..

It is not as easy as picking an apple off of a tree. though. Or taking a can of soup off of a grocery shelf. Or swallowing a magic pill. No, you will have to come out of your comfort zones to discover the possibilities and opportunities that are waiting for you. You have to conquer your fears and take calculated risks. You have to stay focused and persevere despite the difficulties you will encounter.

Success does not come easily no matter in what environment or relationship or circumstance or employment situation or any other arena that you may seek it.. It takes heart, passion and persistence. It takes experience, too, and thankfully, that doesn’t have to be all our own, all personally acquired.

Fortunately, we can learn from the experiences of others and apply the insights gained to our unique life, incorporating them and building upon them. Think about how significant that is; we can benefit from both copying for ourselves what others have proven to produce positive results, while also avoiding repeating what others have found to bring negative results. And these are all things that we can obtain freely, at no financial cost.

You do have to work harder, dig deeper, and sacrifice more to attain your ambitions; that is reality. But you do not have to hate the world and feel bad when you encounter difficult situations. Keep in mind the Law of Attraction: If you hate the world, the world will hate you back. Or as the Bible put’s it, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” In other words, don’t growl at everyone and behave like a sourpuss and expect to be applauded and welcomed by all.

What can you do? Here are some more tips to help you when facing difficult circumstances in life. They can serve as your introductory guide to improving yourself if you choose to adopt them:.

1. Learn to accept, if not love, your current situation. Look for and focus upon all of the positive sides of life. Be enthusiastic. Love your boss, your coworkers, your family, your friends, and even strangers that you meet on the street by concentrating on their favorable attributes and minimizing their adverse qualities.

It may not be easy, but nothing is impossible with a strong will power. You do not need to fall so blindly in love that you totally forget about or lose sight of your dreams. Love, but maintain a secure hold on to reality. It may help you, as it does me, to remember that Jesus teaches us to “love your neighbor as yourself” and that everybody is our neighbor.

2. Balance is the key. Dream and take some positive action to move you toward your goals every day. Take it one step at a time. Motivate yourself at your day’s start to make some positive progress and reflect at day’s end upon your results. Reinforce yourself over your gains, and resolve to not repeat nor be sidetracked by setbacks.

While you are methodically advancing on your long journey to success, be patient, persistent and as enthusiastic as possible. Do not try to expedite your progress so much that you totally forget how to enjoy life as you live it. Life is, after all, a journey, not a destination. Appreciate the many beautiful things you will encounter along the way. One day, you will finally attain what you have been conscientiously striving to achieve. And when that day comes, do not look down on those who belittled you. Forgive and forget.

3. When you do begin to realize that your pluses exceed your minuses, that your gains outnumber your losses, do not look down on those who belittled you or hampered you along the way. Forgive and forget. Don’t even consider getting even. Also, stay humble. Do not criticize others when you see that you are becoming more successful than they are. Try to help them out. Inject your positive aura into their personalities. When you give, you will receive back equal or greater rewards.

So. now, are you ready to begin your journey toward your self miracle? If so, start it with all of the courage and commitment to improve your life that you can generate. Determine to survive and go through it with purpose, energy, and positive thinking. Finish it with a resounding bang of accomplishment and with the desire to help others succeed as well.

There is much more self improvement help and guidance that you will want and need as you get on with your daily life. Take note that you are not alone, nor are you at the same position as everybody else. Some are, others are in much more difficult situations, and still others are further ahead than you. There is clearly no shortage of advice available about self improvement that you can get from other people who are only too happy to help. Just don’t confuse good intentions with authoritative expertise. When you need the latter, be sure that you get it!

You can learn more about achieving your “Self Miracle” by watching the video review we have posted on our website and blog noted in the author’s area below.


Author Bio: James Nelson has accumulated almost 40 years of successful business experience, most of it based on the principle, “Do what you do do well. then find others to do the rest best.” He is currently President of JuJam Enterprises Incorporated and their website which focuses on “Helping People Help Themselves.” You can learn more about “Self Miracle” on their website and blog at

Category: Self Help
Keywords: self miracle,self improvement,self improvement help,self development.improving yourself,improve your life

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