I Hate My Job

The natural response here is “who doesn’t?” I mean really, there are probably 1001 things to hate about your job: your boss, your coworkers, the pay, the commute, the location, what you do, you feel you sold out, and on and on. When we hate our jobs we focus on those negative things and tell others about them too, and no one wants to hear about your crappy job, they have one too.

So, what can be done? Well, just quitting would be the easiest solution but not the most practical. There are always bills to pay, hunger to satisfy, and wants that want filling. Just quitting is not an option, no matter how much you hate your job, but even so you can take steps to move forward and get out of the job that makes you crazy, you just need a plan.

First, simplify your life. Get rid of the clutter, clean out the cobwebs, and discontinue services that you no longer need. Have a subscription to magazines that you never seem to find time to read? Cancel them. Get rid of cable and stick to basic television to get the latest in local news. That will free up a lot of time. Do you need to go out to lunch every day or can you bring lunch with you and enjoy it in a quiet area, maybe that park around the corner? That will save a ton of money.

Now that your life is simplified but not that of a monk, the next step is to discover what makes you happy. Do you find computers fascinating? Does dancing in your living room bring bliss to your heart? Does painting on canvas make your lips smile and your fingers itch to do it again? What is it that makes you happy? Maybe creatively selling in a low pressure setting? Try everything and see what it is. Even if you think you can’t do this thing, try it anyway.

Once you find your bliss, become an expert in it. Experts get paid. If your bliss is learning to program a computer, then go back to college and learn computer skills. If your bliss is dance, spend time learning all the dances you can from around the world. Whatever brings you bliss, eat it, breathe it, and dream about it. Become almost obsessed with it.

Now that you are an expert, you need to decide if you want to work for someone else or start your own business. Working for someone else is certainly less risky but then you need to remember why you don’t like working for someone else. Once you have the decision made and are on your way to a new career or becoming a new business owner, then turn in your notice. You will no longer say I HATE my job, but smile and say I have the best job in the world.

The best job in the world is where you are your own boss. Where you call the shots. Where you can show your market your expertise and help as many people as you can with your product or service. Where the words, I hate my job, are never uttered because you are in the land of bliss.

Author Bio: There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you are guided properly. With the proper guidance you can build a following of hot and hungry prospects begging for more information. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into an ATM. Sign-up right now for Frank Demming’s free special report to find out how to do exactly that – Click Here to claim your copy right now

Category: Business
Keywords: i hate my job, escape corporate america, get out of corporate america, job freedom

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