Identifying Prescription Drug Abuse

In today’s society there are a number of different drugs that can be abused. This is easily becoming a problem that spans a lot further than simply alcohol and marijuana like most people generally think. Actually, prescription drug abuse is becoming more an more common among individuals of all ages and this is why it is very important to be able to recognize the signs early on so that the person can get the help that he or she needs.

Prescription drugs are often very easy to come by. This is part of the reason that they are so easy to abuse. This can also result in teens abusing these types of drugs as well. For some people, prescription medications become a solution to a problem. It may be a solution that was not achieved through any other means. If the pills solve one problem, maybe they will solve all problems (or at least that is the thinking). Before you know it, you are not able to stop taking the pills. You seem to go crazy without them and you spend much of your time focusing on how to get them.

Maybe you suspect that someone you know or love is abusing prescription medications but you are not sure. Wouldn’t you like to know the signs? There are a few common things that you can look for and the follow information will break some of those signs down so that you know what to look for.

Considering the fact that prescription medications can give the same effect as alcohol, a person that may be abusing these medications may appear to be drunk but you know for a fact that he or she has not bee drinking. He or she may stumble while they are walking or they may have a hard time having a conversation with you with clear speech. His or her eyes may droop and they may fall asleep at inconvenient times or at inappropriate times.

Another thing to think about is the amount of time that the person spends at the doctor’s office. Many times prescription drugs will have a certain amount of times that they can be refilled. When the person is no longer able to get their medications refilled they may immediately begin spending time at their doctor’s office trying to convince the doctor that they need more. If this does not work then the individual may begin to speak poorly about their doctor and they may try to find another doctor as soon as possible. Doctor hopping is a really big sign of prescription drug addiction.

Prescription drug abuse does not start out as abuse. Most of the time, these medications are given as a legitimate way to manage pain and health problems. But, when the person finds out how good they feel when they are taking the medication they begin to use it a little bit more frequently then they are supposed to. If you know someone that has started taking their medications more than they are prescribed then you need to begin watching their behavior. Watch for the signs discussed earlier in order to determine if your friend or family member may be facing a potentially dangerous situation.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts remembers fondly the days when her father would drag out the projector to show off family pictures. Christine has written a site containing reviews on 35mm slide projector, as well as the best slide scanner.

Category: Advice
Keywords: prescription drug,prescription drug abuse,drug abuse,identifying prescription drug abuse

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