If You Want to Fix Your Credit…

If you want to fix your credit score, you might consider a really good credit repair software that will take you inside your credit report. What do I mean by that? How do you get inside of a credit report?

First of all, have you see a credit report lately? Granted, they are much better than in the past, but they’re still not very consumer friendly. My Transunion credit report has so much information crammed into small areas, you literally need brain food before sitting down with it.

Experian has done much better than in the past. Their FICO scoring model is easier to read, but in many cases the report is twenty pages plus. The way they fold and collate the report is confusing. Page 3 jumps to page 8 and I finally figured out that it can’t be printed all at the same time.

Equifax is similar to Transunion. Their credit report is a mish-mosh of jumbled characters and codes, making it impossible for a quick preview. If you spend any time at all with these credit reports, you’ll begin to understand why it is so difficult to maneuver. Any guesses?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act, FCRA, was instituted to protect consumers against unfair credit practices. Namely, from reporting errors that are rampant among credit reports. The FCRA allows for consumers to dispute errors in their credit file if they are erroneous.

That being said, there is a dispute process necessary for this to happen, but the key is that the credit reporting agencies have thirty days to verify the remark is valid. They do this by contacting the lender of the account in question and asking them to check the credit history and make any corrections necessary.

Do you think that if credit reports were simple to read, it would incite a triage of dispute letters? Do you think that if consumers knew what the codes really meant they would recognize instantly what is right or wrong in their credit file?

So, if credit reports were easy to read and you could peruse yours over cereal in the morning, do you think the credit reporting agencies would suffer an onslaught of dispute letters costing them millions of dollars in work related verifications? Remember, they have 30 days to complete any investigation you request.

This is the single most important reason I believe consumers should use a credit repair software. After all, who knows how to get inside of a credit report? Do you know all the codes and the terms they use to confuse you? Do you know where to send a dispute letter? Do you know how to write an effective and persuasive letter requesting account validations?

The answer is probably not because if you know all this codes, you are not spending enough time living. Remember, credit reporting agencies exist for the lenders. They sell consumer information and have huge data files on consumer habits-what they spend, how much and where they spend money. Do you really believe they are going to make it easy for you or is their allegiance to their customer-the credit card companies?

Author Bio: Would you like to automate and fix credit scores starting now? Would you like a proven strategy that will help you to get higher credit scores? One that will write dispute letters for you? All you have to do is sign and mail. A Credit Coach so sophisticated, you are going to be amazed at how easy it will be to raise your credit score. Check out the best Credit Repair Software. Fix Credit Scores Today.

Category: Finances
Keywords: credit repair software,how to fix bad credit,credit report repair,how to fix credit score,fix my cre

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