Increased Power Transmission Industry Boom

Transmission and distribution industry is rapidly rising phase of business cycle, income keep pace with rapid growth and profit. Since 2007, the representative of the transformer for the power transmission products continue to maintain a rapid growth in the first 10 monthly production capacity of transformer 736 580 000 KVA, up 24.8%; the power transmission sub sector revenues, profits were maintained at 30% 50% of synchronous growth, including products from January to August transformer profit growth of about 17% higher than income growth.

As expected from the tight regulation of future policies will lead to investment in energy intensive manufacturing industry slowdown, the overall national economy in order to ensure not be hit, including the basis for grid construction, including the cause of the common long term investment necessary to maintain growth rate , power transmission equipment industry cycles will continue to rise. Looking ahead 10 20 years, continuing to increase investment in transmission and distribution areas, to improve network asset accounting, will be the long term China’s power industry development trend. We believe that over the past 2 3 years, prices of raw materials, high end equipment, the cost has been passed with a certain abilityto scale expansion effect gradually appeared, while the low margin low end equipment, continued to decline almost no space, lose the next 5 years transformer industry still needs to maintain 20% 30% of the average annual growth rate, profit growth will exceed income growth is expected to reach 30% 40%. For power transmission industry “is stronger than the market” investment rating.

Network support industry investment to accelerate the economy Over the years, the domestic electric power construction there has been “re issued for the light to send both” phenomenon, especially in open areas of investment in power generation, power generation and electricity transmission and distribution structure is more serious imbalance. Based on the data, the developed transmission and distribution and generation assets ratio is about 6:4, but 05 years ago, the proportion of our two new investments in more 4:6,06 07 reached 3:7, in recent years to transmission investment lags far behind investment in generation assets, short term transmission and distribution assets is still difficult to reverse the serious problem of low percentage of the future continue to increase investment in transmission and distribution electric power industry in China long term development trend. The “Eleventh Five Year” is the grid construction stage of development by leaps and bounds, no doubt investment in transmission and distribution equipment industry is a golden opportunity. Please visit: For more

Information Visit the High Voltage Switch Network

2007’s new “Eleventh Five Year” Network planning and adjustment report,state Grid plans to “Eleventh Five Year” period 1.13 trillion yuan,compared with the original plan in 2005 to increase 31.6%. Consider the investment with China Southern Power Grid is expected to the National “Eleventh Five” power grid construction and transformation of the total investment will be about 1.43 trillion yuan, the scale is “15” period of 2 times. State Grid Corporation in 2007 put into operation the first half of the scale of power generation projects reached a record level of investment in the completion of power grid construction and transformation of 74.3 billion yuan, up 20.3%. According to investment lanning,investment growth in 2007 was 25% power about forecasting the “Eleventh Five Year” remain three years the average annual compound growth rate of 16%.

The most Promising High End Equipment

The total transmission and distribution equipment, the development trend is to a large capacity, high voltage, intelligence, combination, small, oil free technology, maintenance and remote diagnosis technology direction, while information technology will be fully penetrated into transmission and distribution power technology and equipment into. From the proportion of investment point of view, the focus of future investment is the backbone grid network, metropolitan power grids, and power transmission equipment industry are the high low end boom in the industry period, but the relatively high barriers to high end equipment industry, competition is more monopoly, so more optimistic about high end transmission and distribution equipment. In addition, the long term, after 2009, large scale launch of UHV high end equipment can guarantee the future of long term demand growth is expected to UHV total investment over 400 billion yuan will be able to participate in the company of UHV equipment market cycles .

UHV grid current drive to improve the level of manufacturing technology equipment is to seize the high ground in the world.UHV equipment made in the implementation plan to require self stick to the road of evelopment and delivery,to jointly promote the development of Te power transmission equipment, and special high voltage power grid construction,electrical equipment manufacturing industry, promoting China to the world’s most cutting edge.Centralized bidding in the Grid,the power transmission equipment localization rate has improved tremendously.State Grid and China Southern Power Grid were seized in 2005,the lower level units and above 220 kV power grid tenders, to focus on the tender. Centralized bidding,the cost advantage of domestic equipment will be highlighted,will rapidly increase market share, while domestic leading enterprises in the high end market will show some monopoly advantage.

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Keywords: solar powered lantern,m3 power razor blades,powershot a610,

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