Is a Bad Marriage Grounds For Divorce?

The negative impact caused by a bad marriage may affect both sides involved in the situation, but sometimes only one of you is capable of recognizing it. If you are involved a relationship and you feel that you are expending large amounts of energy on satisfying your partner while receiving little in return, then stop for a moment. It might be time for you to reconsider the direction you are taking in your marriage, and try to figure out if this is a bad marriage that will not benefit you in the long run. Your needs are just as important as the needs of your partner, so the partnership can’t work well if one of you is giving and not receiving. This lack of understanding creates an emotional vacuum that can commonly result in depression, unease, anxiety, distrust, sorrow, and anger.

There are some married couples that have thrown everything away and signed divorce papers after a heated discussion, only to later regret the decision and wish they could have somehow put in a little extra effort into making the marriage work. On the other hand, there are also many married couples who continue to suffer a bad marriage, when even after prolonged therapy it becomes clear that things are simply not working. So at what point does one decide that a sacrifice is too much to handle, or when it’s time to move on, start again, and leave the past behind?

A marriage can be seen as a process of giving and taking that occurs over time, when two individuals that share common goals make a conscious commitment to take care of each other and work together in order to benefit from the increased self-confidence, mutual trust, happiness, and other positive attributes the union provides. These were the fundamental reasons the vow was taken to begin with. Of course, everything changes, as the universe we live in is fluid and not constant. All of the positive attributes of a marriage can easily be inverted, resulting in a chaos that brings questions to the minds of the couple involved. Is it worth it? Is a bad marriage a good enough reason to divorce? Whether or not a bad marriage should be ended depends specifically on the individual, and what each person is or is not capable of handling.

A good idea to help you come up with answers would be to ask yourself where you see your marriage heading within the next few years. Do you see yourself happy in this marriage, or is this a bad marriage that will leave you feeling unsatisfied and angry? If you still come to the conclusion that your marriage is failing , even after thorough self analysis, marriage counseling, and psychological therapy, then it is probably time to end it. Not all marriages were meant to be, and if you feel you would be better off alone or with someone else, then maybe it’s time to follow through and make a decision.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts will do anything to make sure that her pet cat is happy and healthy. Christine has written a site containing reviews on Innova cat food, as well as Innova pet food.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: bad marriage,married couples,reasons for divorce,divorce

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