Is a Vasectomy Reversal Procedure Really Worth the Risk?

Every year thousands of men opt for the vasectomy reversal procedure in the United States alone. The decision to reverse a vasectomy may be motivated by several factors; however, it is imperative to understand that like all other surgical procedures vasectomy reversal also had its fair share of complications and risks and there is certainly no guarantee that you will be able to father a child after the procedure. Even though, the procedure has a very high success rate; the fact remains that there are several factors that can impact the result of the procedure; so, nobody can offer you the assurance that you will definitely be able to achieve natural pregnancy after the surgery.

The myriad of factors that will impact your chances of fathering children naturally can include lifestyle aspects, your age, the surgeon’s skills and a whole gamut of other issues including the span of time that has elapsed after the vasectomy surgery. If you are healthy male and if less than 3 to 4 years have elapsed since you got the vasectomy done; you stand very high chances of regaining fertility. As a matter of fact, in 76% of the cases couples have been able to conceive naturally after the procedure.

The three important factors that can wreak havoc on your chances of fathering a child in future after the surgery include:

The technique used in vasectomy:

This is one of the primary factors that can impact your chances of having a child in future. If the initial procedure was performed in a skillful way where the vas deferens was severed cleanly; there will be lower chances o scarring and blockage which means that when a vasectomy reversal procedure is done; the success ate will be higher and the surgery in itself will also be simpler.

The next factor is the number of years that have passed since the original procedure:

This is another constraint that can impact the success rate of a vasectomy reversal; the more the number of years since the initial procedure the greater will be chances of scarring. This would make it difficult to join the two ends of the vas deferens even though there is a procedure by which one end of the vas deferens can directly be joined to the epididymis. However this procedure has a significantly lower success rate than the surgery in which the two ends of the vas deferens are joined

The finally factor that will play a part in the success rate of the eventual vasectomy reversal procedure will be the experience and the expertise of the surgeon who conducts the procedure A skilled micro surgeon will be able to make right many issues created by a less than perfect vasectomy procedure leading to a higher rate of success. However, you need to understand that there are certainly no guarantees that you will be able to father a child naturally after the procedure.

Another risk factor is the cost that will have to be incurred to go in for such a surgical procedure. Unfortunately, vasectomy reversals are elective procedures hence they are not covered by insurance policies. So whatever you spend will have to go out of your own pockets and this is also one of the reasons why you should ensure that you choose a highly competent surgeon with an impressive success rate. You are encouraged to ask the doctor about previous customers who have successful vasectomy reversal procedures and his rate of success with such procedures.

Time is another essential factor that can prove detrimental Viagra Jelly to your chances of having a child. If it has been less than 3 years since the initial vasectomy procedure; you have 70% chances of success while if it’s been more than 10 years your chances are diminished to a dismal 30%. However even if you don’t have a successful reversal procedure, it does not mean that you can never father children naturally. You can still have a child through invitro fertilization albeit the procedure is significantly expensive and is conducted in multiple stages. But it is recommended that you wait for 12 to18 months after the vasectomy reversal surgery and if you don’t get pregnant naturally; then you may want to consider IVF.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing Company consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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