Launching a Successful Internet Marketing Plan

An internet marketing plan can be the easiest thing in the world, or the most difficult thing. There’s a trade-off, here. On the one hand, internet marketing is so incredibly, incredibly inexpensive that it might as well be free, and in many cases, actually IS one hundred percent completely free. On the other hand, because it’s free, everyone can do it, it’s more competitive. When you buy an ad spot on TV, you’re only competing with the other people who can afford an ad spot. When you do it online, it’s sort of like getting free TV spots along with every single one of your competitors.

— Content and Coding —

Content is the core of your advertising campaign. Again, everyone can advertise for free online, so all the marketing out there is essentially tied when it comes to visibility. The trick is to do something different, something that people WANT to look at, because honestly, most surfers have learned how to ignore advertising. If they see just another banner ad or SEO page, they turn on their blind spots. But if you make content that people want to read, videos people want to watch, the advertising will do the work for you.

— Syndicate —

When you syndicate, you cast a much wider net. So for example, if you set up a quick SEO page, no matter how good your content is, chances are it’s only going to be read by people already browsing the site that hosts it. On the other hand, if you link to it through your social networking sites, you can get everyone checking it out, which is great because…

— You Need More Than One Source of Traffic —

There are dozens of video sharing sites out there, so why put your viral video on just one of them? There are hundreds of SEO sites, why use just one of them? There are dozens of social networking sites, dozens of message boards and forums, dozens of… Well, you get the idea. Get some software or somebody to automate the process for you so that you can syndicate, so that posting on one site will instantly post it to a few dozen others.

— Socialize —

These social networking sites are your best friend, and it’s all about the SOCIAL aspect. If you want a lot of followers, follow a lot of other accounts. If you want a lot of friends, go out and make a lot of friends. They won’t just come to you, you have to go out there and do some footwork. Once the ball gets rolling, you’ll have thousands of online buddies, but it all starts with you. Leave a lot of comments on forums and other social networking accounts, retweet, subscribe, follow and friend.

In a broader sense, these are the core elements of any successful campaign, but, it’s not a dummy’s guide. Yes, these tips will probably get the traffic flowing, but the truth is that the people who really flip their respective industries on their heads are the people with some fresh ideas. Be innovative. Remember, online advertising is practically free, so if you have a novel new idea for some viral video strategies, do it. If you have a wild idea for SEO marketing, try it out. It’s free to try, so why not try it? Just keep trying new things, be imaginative. Use the above concepts as your core principles, but don’t just follow them blindly: Come up with your own new strategies.

Author Bio: Internet marketing consultant David Bain is founder of the 26-Week Internet Marketing Plan. Visit to find out more.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: internet marketing,internet marketing plan,marketing plan,online marketing plan

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