Leading Enterprises in Zhejiang China Leather

September 1, 2004 China International Leather Exhibition, China International Footwear Fair and the International Museum of fashion and fashion accessories to start. This series of shows, bringing together major domestic leather, leather shoes, leather costume business. This year, the Quanzhou sports shoes, leather shoes enterprises to join, to show the pattern of significant changes.

Leather Brand Stage

Sept. 1, by the China Leather Industry Association and the Asia Pacific Leather Fair Ltd. jointly organized the “2004 China International Leather Exhibition, China International Footwear Fair and the International Fashion and Fashion Accessories Fair” in September 2004 1-3 days at the Shanghai New International Expo Center opened.As the global leather industry, one of the leading international exhibition, at present, the China International Leather Exhibition, China International Footwear Fair has become the most international leather industry’s scale exhibition event, but also a domestic manufacturer of leather and leather products, the most important procurement platform. 2004 China International Leather Exhibition, China International Footwear Fair and further expand the scale of the exhibition, the exhibition area of 35,000 square meters, 50% more than last year. Two exhibition attracted more than 20 countries and regions from more than 600 exhibitors and more than 12,000 professional visitors participating.

This year’s China International Footwear Fair last year, based on significant breakthroughs in all aspects of the exhibition area will greatly increase product variety increased exhibitors, exhibitors have also expanded the distribution area, central and western regions of the exhibitors will be significantly increased.In addition, the current China International Footwear Fair, the footwear and manufactured by the past exhibitors are mainly brand-type, the transition to a combination of brand and trade-based form, thereby enhancing the real return exhibitors.In many footwear exhibitors, the brand products company continues to lead this year’s show. Senda, Kangnai, Belle, Aokang, Red Dragonfly, rich bird-rich Li Mingda, Hanson and the West Pavilion of the Emerson children, the card more than the United States, to send corporate brands such as handing all participated in the exhibition, which enterprises to their unique booth design and exquisite, fashion exhibits, attracting the attention of foreign buyers.

Quanzhou Crack Appearance

In today’s CCTV in all channels, and Hunan Satellite TV and other local TV stations are filled with many sports shoes brand advertising in Quanzhou. This exhibition, the dominant footwear shoe business is still business, but sports shoes, sneakers participation has greatly increased the number of products. Quanzhou, China’s leather shoes are a vital force in the industry. Reporter saw at the show site Anta, Del Hui, globe and other business executives, who as if today’s domestic leather celebrity.In this exhibition, Quanzhou, Fujian, Guangdong, Huidong, Wuhou Chengdu, Chongqing, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Bishan and all will be unveiled in the form of independent pavilions China International Footwear Fair. Yong-China Leather Association, said here the emergence of Fujian exhibition, China International Footwear Fair broke the shoe manufacturer has always been dominated by the traditional exhibition model, China Leather Association, by strengthening the travel shoes, sport shoes enterprises breeze efforts to diversify the China International Footwear Fair.

In addition to Quanzhou, the Huidong is the first shoe company in the form of local development groups to participate in China International Footwear Fair. Huidong Shoes After 20 years of development, has become more well-known eastern Guangdong area famous for their shoe, shoe county industrial output value accounted for 22.30%, currently has a yellow port, Kuala Lumpur and other major shoe production base.According to head of Mr. Qin Huidong Pavilion, this year is the first time, Huidong shoe company in the form of local development groups to participate in China International Footwear Fair. Huidong Pavilion brings together the region’s top ten brands, represents the overall level of Huidong shoes.Pavilion Shenzhen has been China International Footwear Fair one of the important members of this year’s exhibition area has increased significantly over last year (the overall area of Shenzhen Pavilion 60% more than last year), including Belle, Hasson, Fu Li Mingda, profound meaning, and other famous brand shoes enterprises will attend. 2004 China International Footwear Fair attracted from Shenzhen, Huidong, Chengdu, Chongqing, Ryan and other regional development group exhibition, which is the first delegation to participate in Huidong.

Leading Enterprises in Zhejiang

Although Quanzhou leather shoes on the market in the country has a significant place, but China International Leather Exhibition, China International Footwear Fair has always been the leather business, shoe business world. This year, the domestic leather, fur and leather products distributing center of the exhibitors are the overall image of the regional brand appearance.To fur production and processing industries in Zhejiang Tongxiang Chongfu known, this first delegation to attend China International Leather Exhibition, the exhibition will be fur garments products. The tour exhibition of 16 fur companies, are the backbone of enterprise Chongfu area, exhibitors Chongfu annual sales of about fur industry, annual sales income of 33% or so.This is the first organization Chongfu fur business development group to participate in Shanghai China International Leather Exhibition, Tongxiang City, Chongfu town government’s aspirations are lofty, the official pointed out that the next few years, to make Chongfu Cheng is the largest fur production base and the largest fur processing of raw materials, fur products, apparel, clothing distribution center, the world’s fur trade production and processing and trading center.

Leather fashion show by the group known as the “Leather Capital of China” reputation of Haining leather business component. In order to show the King of gas, Haining Leather Industry Association, part of the special representative and the organization the size of the leather companies to participate in China International Leather Exhibition, China International Footwear Fair. Including five consecutive Top Ten Yi Wang received the title of Snow Leopard Group, won consecutive second title of China’s top ten enterprises were installed Samsung Brothers, there are over 100 million yuan of annual sales value of the Fubon Group and Zhejiang worms, Haining red Eastern Double Eagle Hongye, Lei Bao, too ball, Danermaisi, Oulu Dan, Teng tyrants, Dragon and Horse size 12 and so on leather business.

China’s Influence in the World of Leather

Quanzhou many shoes, sports shoes export enterprises started out to do, and foreign footwear business for many years in the international market dialogue. Over the past twenty years, Quanzhou shoes in the international market share despite the greatly improved, but the quality and grade of the product remains to be a new breakthrough.In the international footwear market, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, India and other countries show rising trend of enterprises in recent years, China’s footwear business rival.Reporter noted in the exhibition hall, the 2004 China International Leather Fair and the China International Footwear Fair significant increase in international exhibitors. Including from Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Pakistan, Spain, Turkey, the United States, Japan and India, 30 countries and regions more than 600 exhibitors, is the first Thai Pavilion second delegation to participate in this exhibition.

With the advancement of fair, China as the world’s shoe-making center and processing center for leather products has become increasingly prominent, from the entry of many foreign investors can be seen, the Chinese leather industry has been expanded to the global sphere of influence. With many international well-known leather company competing against the impact of China’s leather market is already in the world.The exhibition set up by Brazil, Germany, Pakistan, Spain Pavilion booth area increased significantly over last year; China Taiwan Shoes Chamber of Commerce delegation to participate in the exhibition for the first time; leather products manufacturers in India for the first time organizations attended the China International Footwear Class development and international fashion and fashion accessories exhibition; the world’s leading technology companies such as Bayer skin, Clariant, into the male, also unveiled the exhibition German Swiss.

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