Learn to Perform Shoulder Press With a Personal Trainer

You must be already aware that workouts turn pint-sized delts to pumpkins. But shoulder press often brings stronger abs and enhances that bench press also. The workout activates more central muscles than a handful, your personal trainer would say. This helps in building strength to pull bigger loads during each upper body hauls.

For most people, biceps are undeniably the lord of muscles. But how good can be a lord sans a crown? If you crave the guns that attract admiration on the streets and in the beach, you need to top them with cannon-ball deltoid development. For some great shoulder press exercises that produce physical power and personal pride, read on.

The military press shoulder exercise is a fine starter workout for developing the anterior (front) portion of your deltoid. It can be performed by either standing or sitting on the bench with backside support. Ideally performed under the guidance of a personal trainer, this compound workout exercises the side deltoids also. With correct technique, this basic press would add power and thickness to the anterior of your shoulder. As you move ahead with your training, you would eventually graduate to shoulder raises exercises.

Shoulder presses also include lateral raises, front raises, dumbbell laterals bent over and many more workouts. Raises require lifting the extended arm upwards in a broad arc working to isolate the shoulder muscles. Raises do not involve triceps.

The barbell front raise is a great exercise to build endurance and shape the anterior shoulder delts. As the exercise puts great resistance on front of the shoulders, it should be done without heavy weights and under the watchful eyes of a personal trainer. Reasonable poundage with stringent technique i.e. no jerking or bouncing the weight on your body, is enough to add power and shape in the anterior delts.

Another shoulder raise exercise is the seated dumbbells press. It’s almost similar to military press, but performed with dumbbells instead. Here, balance is introduced while performing the press. Your arms and shoulders should individually steady the weights, unlike in military press. This makes the exercise more difficult calling for a qualified personal trainer who might recommend you to use less weight.

Coming to medial and posterior shoulder exercises, the back military press is a firm mass builder for these areas. Similar to the anterior military press, this exercise too, can be performed either in a standing or seated posture. Again, the exercise is recommended to be carried out in a low backed chair to evade hyperextension or arching of the spine. The seated posture helps in stabilizing your torso so that you never jolt the weight upwards to cheat your personal trainer on the technique. Similar to other overhead lifting, go easy, master the technique and the back military press would add symmetry and power to the medial and posterior of your shoulder.

Remember, pressing heavy shoulder loads need considerable recovery time. Limit exercises to one workout each week. Never get psyched out and always consult your personal trainer. Supplement your exercises with proper diets.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a Sydney personal trainer. If you would like to sign up for a personal trainer Bondi, or go to a personal trainer Vaucluse trial, visit Sydney Personal Trainer.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: personal trainer Bondi,personal trainer Vaucluse,Personal Trainer in Sydney

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