Marketing Strategies For Small Business Companies

While I was sitting in an air craft I could not help but listen to the conversation of the fellows sitting beside me. They were both talking about guerrilla marketing and strategies. One of them commented that guerilla marketing is hyped and it is far greater than is in fact the case. I have spent many years in the field of marketing and quite aware of the marketing strategies and unconventional methods to improve the sale of products hence I smiled quietly. I eyed upon the logo on his bag. It belonged to an eyewear franchise and I found myself curious enough to inquire more about his company.

Soon I found myself in conversation with the person next to me. He told me that he is an optometrist and owner of one of the franchises of that company whose logo I had eyed upon. I was intrigued to know more and felt like visiting the company. But the person sitting next to the optometrist broke our conversation and interrupted by introducing herself as the owner of another franchise by the same company. The optometrist simply ignored me and moved towards her hence put an end to my query.

I had wanted to ask more about the company and their products as the glasses I was wearing were outdated now. Both of my fellow passengers had simply ignored me and engaged in their usual corporate stuff and discussing company policies etc. I felt a little left out while they were too involved in their busy little chit chat.

I could hear them discuss about strategies and new methods of promotional marketing. One of them stressed upon the failed marketing strategy their company had adopted. Then they both concurred and announced that their company had invested money long enough on their marketing strategies but they have failed to get positive response.

By this time I had made up my mind about both of these people that they were still stuck in the age old passive marketing style and condemn unconventional strategies. They had just managed to loose a potential customer and totally ignored. It was obvious that they failed to realize the potential of building customer and company relationship.

Guerilla or unconventional methods of marketing centralize on building relationship with potential customers. People like these fail to understand and realize the importance of building relations strategies and in result fail to sell their products and loose many possible buyers.

If that optometrist had chosen to spend some more minutes had responded to inquires instead of ignoring might he have not lost his next loyal customer. This is what I must say is bad marketing.

If only he follow guerilla marketing techniques would get more clientele rather than loosing clients. Give importance to the customer to be successful. A guerilla marketer should follow these strategies to improve and promote business such as build healthy business relationships, show your concerns towards customers. Give prompt response to their inquiries no matter what situation you are in and follow up with them. I guess the optometrist and his colleague need more to learn and adopt healthy marketing techniques to keep their customers coming over to them for increased sale.

Author Bio: High traffic volume is key to making profit from your website, the Author shares the Adapter site. He is using all this techniques you read in the article for his Radioadapter project.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Internet,marketing,business,website,strategies,,communication,earn,money

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