Meditation Can Bring Deep Relaxation

Practicing certain meditation can be used to provide you with a great deal of relaxation and stress relief. Anyone looking to free themselves from stress and anxiety should try these simple meditation techniques.


Breathing is the very mechanism of life and can be used as a very effective tool in meditation leading you to blissful relaxation. The first thing you need to do is sit down in a comfortable setting – no you don’t need to sit cross-legged on the floor – close your eyes and start breathing through your nose deliberately yet silently while you count to three. Then exhale – also through the nose. But now you should be counting to six, thus breathing out twice as much as you take in. Repeat this for several minutes concentrating on practicing to breathe in on a three count and breathe out on a six count always through your nose.

Breath Concentration

The second technique is also an easy one. While you are seated with your eyes closed, breathe normally through your nose. Place all your attention on your breath, concentrating on following it through your nose, into your throat and down to your chest. Then concentrate on following it back up as it passes through your chest, into your throat and out through your nose. Since you are concentrating on following your breath, you will be paying attention to its flow and not thinking about anything at the moment. Your thoughts will slow down producing a natural peaceful state of mind that with repeated use will heighten your experience of relaxation.

Breathing up your spine

Again, sit down with your eyes closed and breed normally through your nose. However, while inhaling concentrated on her breath beginning at the base of your spine and moving up all the way to the top of your head. Visualize your breath at the top your head and simply exhale. You did not visualize anything beyond this while you exhale or force anything to happen. Just let the focus of your mind follow your breath from the base of your spine all away up and out the top of your head, which is known as the crown chakra. This is where repetition is a vital part because you may not feel anything in the beginning. Yet, with repeated use you’ll start to feel a tingling sensation that should be quite pleasurable. This particular technique is going to require a little more practice if you are to be successful at awakening what’s called your kundalini, a form of spiritual energy.

I Am, I Said

This technique includes the affirmation of existence. When sitting with eyes closed, silently repeat to yourself each time you inhale, “I am.” When exhaling, focus on existing in that moment, concentrating on the moment and not thinking of anything else. While concentrating on the simple act Levitra of being, do not add anything into the effort other than just existing not as a someone or something. You are aiming for a “feeling,” not a thought that. You exist beyond all -simply notice the feeling beyond thought that you exist.

These techniques are designed to produce great relaxation especially when conducted on a regular daily basis. Take 15-30 minutes per day to sit back and relax through simple meditation.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: meditation,relaxation,stress relief,stress management,meditation techniques,relaxation techniques

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