Natural Ways to Help You Quit Smoking

Health is wealth. But we are not responsible enough for preserving it rather we tend to waste our wealth by damaging health unnecessarily and no innocence is there, we do it intentionally by cigarette smoking. Every time we smoke we lose our wealth bit by bit. There is no shortfall of excuses like we smoke when we are stressed because of work pressure, examination tension etc, if we don’t smoke digestion doesn’t happen properly, we don’t get sleep properly. We give excuses but without any logic. Did we start smoking when we were infants? Then how it became a part of our general body processes like digestion, sleep, tension? There is no answer. Smoking is all bad. There is no logic, no science that can prove that smoking helps us in any way.

So why are we still smoking? Just as a habit!! Can we imagine how dangerous a habit can be? It may demand our life one day. Let’s throw this bad habit out of our life right away. Once we are determined, there are several natural ways to quit smoking.

Let’s take a look.

Deep Breathing is a simple thing, but powerful in controlling the smoking habit. Whenever you feel like smoking, take deep breath rather the deepest breath you can take and exhale slowly, keeping eyes closed. You will literally feel that all your stress, tensions, and all craving feelings are leaving your body and soul and obviously you will feel relaxed. Repeat this for 3 times in a row.

Try a fluid diet. The day you decide that you will quit smoking start drinking lots of water and juices and depend on more fluid diet. It will flush all nicotine, other unnecessary and harmful substances out of your body. Try to say no to coffee, sugar, or alcohol. Coffee and alcohol are the best friends of cigarette and when you are quitting smoking don’t depend on these. These things accelerate the cravings for smoking and don’t let you stay strong on your decision. So, avoid them completely. High calorie food with more sugar content also works against quitting smoking. So for these days your diet chart should comprise of food with low fat, high protein and high fiber.

Substitute with healthy food. Till today cigarette was part of your life. Once you stop this you will feel a gap somewhere, like something is missing. You can choose to depend on some oral substitutes like chewing gum, mint tea or mouth sweetener etc at the times of the day when you usually used to smoke. This is not compulsory, but you can try.

Try to exercise. While quitting smoking there is a need for change in normal daily routine. You can start brisk walking or light jogging in the greenery. If that is not possible, go to gym, get a nice massage at spa, take steam bath and you will feel positive.

Next, try to relax. Feel positive and motivate yourself and inspire other smokers to lead a healthy life. Start nurturing an old hobby. You will feel like smoking was never a part of your life.

Ask for mental support if you need it. If you are not able to cope up with the craving feeling for smoking alone, try to get help from friends, family members. They can help you and retain you from feeling annoyed, engage you in some activity. Be practical and do no fool yourself. Be honest to your decision. Accept that you were a smoker and because it was not helping you in any way rather it was only harmful you are quitting it.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts enjoys a good night’s sleep in a bed with freshly cleaned bedding. Christine has written a site containing reviews on blue duvet cover, as well as black and white duvet covers.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: quit smoking,quitting smoking,natural ways to quit smoking

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