Open Marriage: Is it Infidelity?

Open marriage is a term whose origins remain somewhat obscure, as it was first used as early as the 1960s. However it is commonly accepted that it had came into use in 1972., when Nena O’Neill and George O’Neill first published their book “Open Marriage”. Overall the book advocated a liberalization of marriage, by means of getting the partners in marriage more room for personal development. The book originally wasn`t conceived with the idea of advocating infidelity, however in one of its chapters it dealt with the idea that an open marriage could include a consensual non-marital sex relations between the marital partners, and outside individuals. Although this was widely recognized as an advocation of infidelity, the book got enormous attention from the public, and a new expression was coined.

The Ideas Behind The Concept

Today, the ideas that the O`Neills first published have undergone a certain evolution. Although O`Neills book primarily talked about non-controversial ideas for revitalizing marriage, the idea that held on the most is the one that included non-marital relations. One of the questions that plagued people ever since is: should these type of marital relations, although consented on, be regarded as infidelity? Although this is more of a philosophical question, certain states in the USA have a very definite answer to it: Yes. The states in which adultery (here it can be used as a synonym for infidelity) is illegal, don`t recognize open marriages, and in a case of a court proceeding will regard any non-marital sexual relations in an open marriage as adultery.

Why Do People Justify It

The basic idea that stood behind the open marriage, is the idea that marriages should be kept vital, and non-stagnant. Although this idea was particularly interesting in the early 1970s, which was a result of the cultural revolution of the 1960s, that idea still holds very much true today. Today, possibly even more then before, marriage as an institution is decreasing in importance. More and more couples are getting divorced each year. This is perceived as a problem, as it leaves broken families, and therefore affects the society as a whole. Today the advocates of open marriage are claiming that sexual freedom of marital partners might be the answer to the growing divorce rates. They believe that the main reason why marriages break down is the sexual frustration of one, or even, both of the partners. Consensual sexual relations with other people can provide the answer to this frustration, according to them.

But, Is That Infidelity

That question still stands. Although it is hard to talk about infidelity, if both partners are aware of what is going on, one might consider the definition of infidelity. In the classical meaning of the word, infidelity is considered everything that is sexual, and goes outside the boundaries of a marital union. So, we can say that although an open marriage is infidelity, prescription cialis generic in the classic meaning of the term, from the purely logical point of view, an open marriage simply cannot be considered infidelity, as the meaning of the word itself includes untruthfulness which an open marriage is not.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts enjoys a cool evening during the summer when she can just relax and lounge on her patio. Christine has written a site containing reviews on wicker furniture cushions, as well as the indoor wicker furniture.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: relationships, love affair, open marriage

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