Pheromones For Men

Men who are seeking to use pheromones to help them out with the ladies should be aware of a few things before buying Pheromones. All must know that not all pheromones are created equally, if you are a man, looking to meet ladies, you will first of all HAVE to buy pheromones for men. Keep in mind that there is no such thing as universal pheromones. If you don’t buy the right ones, you won’t attract the right person. I doubt if you are a man, that you would seek to attract other men, unless that is what you really want.

As men, the task of attracting and winning women is rougher than the other way around. Some guys just have it. They look like movie stars, have confidence through the roof and the ladies just love those guys. Why is it? Well the answer is a simple one. Simple law of nature, the law of attraction, like the positive and negative poles of a magnet. Good looking girls are generally with good looking guys, but why is it you’ll often say “How the heck did he end up with her”? Well, perhaps the girl was looking for a mate, he sensed it, and pulled a move that worked.

Fact is, for some guys it’s easy to approach good looking, single women and show them a good time. For some other guys, either good looking or now, it’s harder to approach women for fear of rejection. Women will sense your fear and be fearful in return.

Breaking the ice… If one doesn’t have it, they will need to learn it, or you can use pheromones and let girls come to them instead. Yes, pheromones will do that but you have to realize that it won’t work on everyone and it won’t work if you don’t help yourself either. if you look like a wreck, smell like a pig and act like a jerk or a fool, pheromones won’t help you.

I personally found pheromones to be more useful when used in public, like a mall or a bar, eventually someone will come talk to you. Put it this way, some nights, in a bars, not looking to meet anyone and girls would still come and talk to me, often, out of nowhere. You might even have multiple girls looking to flirt at one time!

Also, keep in mind the girl’s hormones. A girl on birth control pills will likely respond to pheromones as a “mating call” and like a female animal, she won’t stay with you for long, since she can’t get pregnant, it allows her to explore her world, so enjoy it while it lasts.

Women NOT on birth control will more likely look for a relationship. Women who naturally can’t have kids (not chemically) will react the same way as when a woman who isn’t on birth control. So if your out for a night on the town, I wouldn’t look fr a relationship. If you already have an arrangement to meet in private, then you should use the pheromones as a response-meter. If a women doesn’t respond well to the pheromones, then you might not expect a lot emotionally or physically.

Often if you don’t feel a connection, you are better off in making the first move in telling her that you just want to stay friends. This puts you ahead of the game because you’re using on her what she was probably intending on using on you anyway, at this point, one of two things will happen:

1-) You will remain friend or even less than that.
2-) She will realize that her uncertainty may have cost her the love of her life and may ask you to reconsider.

I hope this has helped you understand pheromones for men. If you are interested in trying out pheromones, risk free, you may go and view my site where you will find more information as well as a place where you can discreetly purchase pheromones, starting at $49.95 USD.

If you like this article, you may use it any way you want.

Author Bio: Jack Roberts- I like to study phenomenons encountered in nature that few are aware of. I’m not a doctor, nor a scientist, just an average man that likes to give the average person facts and self case studies. I am currently devoting my time to human pheromones. View My Case Study!

Category: Dating
Keywords: Human Pheromones, pheromones information

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