Re-evaluate Your Marketing Concept

If you’re one of those marketers who has been trying to follow some of those internet guru’s, and you’ve done all the things that he or she has recommended and you’re still not getting traffic and making money, then you may want to step back for a minute and re-evaluate what’s happening. With some of these self proclaimed leaders, they have a cult following and whatever their leader says, must be the only way. I have some good news for you my friend, there is a better way.

Each of us must take control of our lives again, and quite paying fifty plus dollars every month for a so called latest state of the art marketing program that is too complex for the average user to even fathom. Sure there are some good parts of the program, but how many of the forty plus portals are really effective for your particular situation? Maybe few to none.

Most of us find that all of this hyped up, smoke and mirrors marketing may be totally worthless. What most of us are in this business for is to make money. You don’t have to spend a lot of money every month to make money on line. You do have to spend a reasonable amount of time in order to make this whole concept of online marketing work. There are in fact some excellent programs out there that will generate a positive income stream every month. That’s what this whole gig is all about. Providing a service for our customers, and making money for the services we provide.

One of the main issues often overlooked by all of us is; ways to generate traffic to our websites. All of us who have been in sales know that without traffic you will never make any money. Whether you’re a Fuller Brush salesman or the top producing salesman in a luxury car dealership, the need for leads will always be the same. It never ceases to amaze me how people start working online and think that their business will immediately flourish and they will make untold sums of money. That’s not going to happen, especially if you don’t have a workable plan for generating contacts. Without some form of lead generation, your business is dead before you ever get started.

We talk a lot about search engine optimization, and SEO is a vital part of successful online marketing, however, without someone coming to your site and buying, all of your marketing efforts are in vain. How do we get users to come to our web site and at least take a look at our business opportunity? The answer is quite simple….You must continually keep your name and your business name before the general public, in the form of classified ads, e-mail marketing, article marketing, social networking etc., There are numerous other ways you can accomplish this ongoing chore, which we will discuss in greater detail in future articles.

You can spend thousands of dollars for the most attractive site on the web with all the flash, fancy bell and whistles and still never make money on line. If no one knows you have an online business, because they’ve never seen your ads, articles or emails inviting them to look at your business, how do you think they are going to find your site. With the millions of web sites online today it would be shear coincidence that anyone will ever find you, including the search engines.

If you don’t learn how to generate traffic, you’ll still be struggling this time next year, and the year after. It is imperative that you learn how to generate traffic in your own marketing system to become totally profitable with your online venture. There are systems called traffic generators that are excellent supplements to a well planned sales lead generating program. It is best if you take a look as some of the different traffic generators available, before plunging into the first one you research. There are vast differences in the effectiveness of these systems, so study the benefits of this type of system and choose wisely.


If you’re tired of all the back slapping, high fiving, hyped up meetings of some of these companies, you need to step back for a few minutes, and re-evaluate your whole marketing concept. You probably already got your site going, you know how to use auto responders and a lot of the other things you’ve learned with the big boys, but if it hasn’t worked, why waste anymore time trying to make it happen using their plan. Analyze your particular situation, and see where the holes are in your present plan…then do something about it. We’re talking about your future here, so make your choices wisely. It’s your life, your business, your money, your time and your future.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google

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