Reducing the Risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), also known as ‘crib death’, has been the subject of extensive research over the years. Although the exact cause of SIDS is currently unknown it is clear that SIDS involves a disturbance of breathing regulation during sleep.

SIDS or Cot Death is a terrifying thought to any family but following simple advice will reduce the risk to virtually zero.

What research found was that SIDS is commonly occurring between the first and six months of a baby’s life, with figures peaking between the second and third month. SIDS only occurs in two or three in every thousand newborns and is common to occur in winter months. Studies furthermore show that SIDS is more common in males with low birth weight and premature infants of both sexes.

In this next section we will take a look at how to minimize SIDS.

Minimizing the Risks of SIDS

Medical advice to mothers is to stay clear from smoking during pregnancy. This also includes staying clear from smoking in a home after a baby is born.

For years parents have learnt to lay babies down on their stomachs in order to prevent suffocation or choking. Research indicated that babies lying on their stomachs are more prone to suffer SIDS. It is recommended that babies are lain down on their backs. This may not always be possible, especially in the event of premature babies and where babies are required to sleep on their stomachs.

Ensure a safe surface when you lay down your baby. Do not place any soft bedding material or pillows under the baby. Also prevent making use of sheepskin, down mattresses or water and feather beds as they all pose a risk of suffocation.

Do not overbundle your baby. Overcompensating for winter by turning up the thermostat and wrapping your baby up in several layers of clothing should be avoided.

Do not be tempted to sleep with your child in an unsafe environment, especially when you are tired. There are many cases of mothers rolling over and smothering a child while they are sleeping. Babies can overheat very quickly and have little way to regulate their temperature.

In instances where a baby suddenly stops breathing it is recommended that CPR be applied, or even emergency services contacted. If this occurs, medical attention should be obtained immediately.

Lost a Child to SIDS?

It is a traumatic event to any individual loosing a child, even more so in the event of SIDS. Often parents involved feel a great sense of guilt and may place the blame of the death of their child on themselves.

There is no blame to be placed on the parents in this case. It is a sad event and guilt is often felt, although it must be understood that this is an unfortunate but sometimes unpreventable situation.

It is of utmost importance that psychological assistance is obtained from professionals in these events. This is of utmost importance when parents decide upon having a next child.

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: cushions, home, family, sofa, child, infant, baby, care, birth, pregnant, pregnancy, cot, ids

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