Rental Home – Is Painting the Rooms and Remodeling Allowed?

When you rent a home, you want to give it your own touch and be comfortable in your own space. But the question comes up as to whether you can paint the walls in a rental home or remodel and how far as you can go.

The homeowner and Property Management office has the last say. It depends on the preference of the owner, when you get right down to it. Here are a few areas to think about.

Painting Your Walls

Some owners or property management people may allow you to paint the rooms. My suggestion is to pick colors that will be easy to paint over later and will not bleed through the new coat of paint you will be putting on when you move out.

Why do I say that? Most in the end will ask that you paint them back to the color they were when you moved in. Usually this is white or off white. You will need to match this exactly when moving out. The best thing to do is ask them for the color and manufacturer of the paint they want you to use.

Is it worth it to paint your rental home on the inside, to decorate it the way you want?

One – consider how long you are staying. If it is rented month to month and you move out in six months, that is a lot of work. If you lease for a year, maybe it is worth it. If you know you are going to stay for years, yes I would say it was definitely worth it to have your walls painted the way you want.

Two – Factor in the time it is going to take you to repaint, or the cost of hiring a painter. Time or money wise, it may not be worth it.

Are You Allowed to Alter the Walls, Cabinets Or Cupboards?

When you move into a home, but are renting, there may be certain things about it that will bug you. In addition, you would like to decorate it in a way that you are comfortable with.

Before making any major changes, you need to look at your lease or rental agreement and ask the owners or the property management representative.

Most will allow you to hang pictures, put up your curtain rods or put up your knick-knacks on the wall. Some may allow you to paint the walls. Even fewer are going to allow you to alter the wall structure, the cabinets or the cupboards.

Restrictions are actually a good thing in the owner’s eyes. They do not want everyone that comes in to change the inside of the home in ways that they may consider as damaging.

Extensive decorating such as putting up new tiles for a backsplash at the kitchen sink, replacing flooring, or taking out part of a wall are not usually acceptable.

Some may allow certain modifications, but only if a professional was to do them. You may have to pay for that, if it was not necessary. If it does look like something that should have been done anyway, the owner will probably pay for it.

You can’t really blame the owner for balking at major changes. They don’t want to run into repair bills every time someone moves out. So before you start a project, read your lease or rental agreement and if not clear, it is best to ask.

You can always make a home more comfy through doing some decorating that does not restructure any part of the home. Just change out the curtains or drapes, put down area rugs and move your furniture around for a different look.

Author Bio: If you are looking for Property Managemet in Eugene Oregon to check for rentals, be sure to check our site for home rentals offered through a property management service: Property Management Eugene

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: rental home, decorating a rental home, decorating a home, property management eugene oregon

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