Should Your Child Have LASIK Eye Surgery?

Until contact lenses were invented, the only way to correct your vision was with glasses. Fortunately, today there is another option to correct your vision permanently. LASIK eye surgery has revolutionized the way people approach vision correction, and has prompted millions of people to undergo the procedure due to its effectiveness.

the LASIK procedure replaces an eyes poor lens with an artificial lens. Ideally, a good age range for a candidate to undergo this procedure is between 18 and 21 years old. However, since the introduction of LASIK eye surgery parents have been questioning if the procedure can benefit younger kids. This has been a topic of concern regarding this medical procedure and has important factors to consider.

Typically, unless a child is plagued with very severe vision problems, it is not likely a surgeon will recommend LASIK eye surgery. The reason behind this is that a person’s eyes are not completely developed until about the age of 18. There are many reasons why LASIK is recommended for older patients. One of the main ones is that young children are usually quite restless and it may be necessary to sedate them during the surgery, as the surgery is performed while the patient is awake.

Although there is not a significant amount of data on the topic, there is little evidence to support the claim that LASIK eye surgery is safe for young children. A child’s eyes are constantly changing through the development process as they age, and are typically not nearly complete developing until the child is at least 18 years old and can sometimes take even longer. The developmental process of the eye will vary slightly from person to person but it is more advisable for those over the age of 21 to look into LASIK eye surgery.

The age of the patient is always an important factor when looking into LASIK. Older individuals also have reason to be concerned whether or not they will be candidates for LASIK. Older people sometimes develop high conditions that cannot be fixed by LASIK eye surgery. One more common condition is called presbyopia and affects the eyes ability to quickly change focus.

When you are seeking answers regarding LASIK eye surgery you should contact your local professional in the industry. They will be qualified to offer you expert medical advice and answer all of your questions especially if they have to do with San Diego LASIK for a child.

It’s always best to consult with an eye care licensed professional, of your concerns. If you are located in San Diego, look up the local San Diego LASIK eye surgery professional. They will advise you of all the options open to you. Which one is best for you and what that treatment entails.

It can now be concluded that LASIK eye surgery is not recommended for children under 18, in less a severe situation permits. And not for older individuals, as many eye conditions developed at an older age cannot be fixed with LASIK. A licensed LASIK professional can review all of your options and whether or not you are a good candidate for LASIK eye surgery.

Author Bio: Lawrence Miles is a professional LASIK San Diego vision specialist that focuses his attention on improving the quality of vision for thousands of people throughout San Diego and Southern California.

Category: Advice
Keywords: lasik, lasik san diego, laser eye treatment

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