The Persons Legally Allowed to Use Taser

We all want to live in a world where there are less worries, no hassles, and free from any harm and danger. But can that be achieved? Is it all possible and easy to do? The answer would probably be maybe and maybe not. We are able to work with less worried and no hassles because there are different high end technologies ready to aid us with our various tasks at home or in our workplace. But keeping the self free from harm and danger is not an easy task especially when there are criminals that are constantly on a police officer’s watch list.

Safety and protection is everybody’s concern as of this point. Criminals are just waiting around the next corner for their next victim. They are armed, dangerous and some are even skilled when it comes to moving at a fast pace. Man and woman, the young and the old, the handicapped, it does not to matter to them. It is your money, your personal belongings, properties and other stuff are what they are after for. The worst part of it is when they take away your life as well. And that makes anyone to become afraid to go out alone.

It is good to know that there are already different self defense gadgets that can be used when we are attacked by these criminals. Taser guns, stun guns and pepper spray are the most common non lethal self defense gadgets that one can use when they are being attacked. They are effective and are convenient to use. Many prefer to purchase these stunning devices because aside from it being non lethal, it is also easy and can immobilize the assailant in as fast as five seconds. It can be carried around without adding bulk to the purse or even inside pockets. The devices also are designed in different forms giving the attacker a hard time in distinguishing what had hit him.

But there are certain guidelines or laws that need to be followed when someone decides to purchase one for self defense purposes. Like taser for instance. It is stated in the law that only individuals who have reached the age of eighteen and above are allowed to purchase, use and carry the stunning device. There are even some states wherein the person has to be twenty-one years of age in order for him to carry one.

When you reach the legitimate age, you can now have the right to carry one but just make sure that the taser or any other stunning device is legal and licensed to use. If you are not yet of legal age and you wanted to protect yourself from any harm, there are other alternative devices that you can use like alarms or even your car keys or perhaps enrolling in self defense classes like martial arts.

The most important self defense weapon that we can have is our intellect and our cognitive skills. We should use our common sense that way we can think of ways on how we can be able to fight back.

Author Bio: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of which provides a good variety of Stun Baton and TASER for personal protection. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit

Category: Legal
Keywords: Safety and protection, self defense gadgets, taser, stunning devices, self defense purposes

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