The Wrong Techniques to Lose Excess Weight

If you want to lose weight, it can be easy to feel inclined towards incorporating less nobler paths to experience weight loss such as taking up smoking, purging, starvation or excessive exercise. Yet, whilst many of these strategies may offer you fast and immediate weight loss, the bulk of these techniques can cause long term dangers to your health, weight loss and mind.

In the Next Section we Analyse the 4 Worst Methods for Weight Loss


The nicotine in cigerettes may cause appetite suppression, helping you to expel up to additional 200 calories per day by enhancing your metabolic rate. However taken over the foreseeable future, nicotine can enhance your risk of experiencing heart disease, strokes and emphysema.

If you are a smoker, there are alternative paths you can take to help you attain your ideal weight loss goals whilst quitting smoking. Exercising hard for thirty minutes per day for instance can help you to expel these same 200 extra calories. Whilst consuming 6-9 minature dishes a day can help to increase your metabolic rate and keep your sugar cravings in check.

Seen most amongst overweight teenage girls; sticking your fingers down your throat or taking a purging aid such as Ipecac to help make yourself vomit is an unhealthy way to lose excess lbs. As well as triggeringeating disorders such as bulimia, making yourself sick can cause bad teeth, gum disease, heart failure and even death.

Working Out Too Much

It is possible to workout too much and experience weight gain. Studies have unveiled that slimmers who over exercise are at risk of overeating once they get home. Furthermore, push yourself too much when you exercise and you risk becoming tiredor prone to injuries.

Instead of pushing yourself so hard, try to divide your routines into 5 decent sized daily routines with 2 days of rest. This will allow you to regain your strength, plus help to enhance your metabolic rate and stop unnecessary hunger.

Starving Yourself

Possibly the most utilised unhealthy way to lose weight, the complication with starvation is once you eat again, it is easy to quickly put this lost weight back on as your brain thinks it has beaten starvation. Furthermore, make your body experience a prolonged starvation and this can prompt severe bodily damage, tiredness, disorientation and even death.

If you feel that you need to eliminate nutrients from your diet yourself in order to lose weight, aim to go on a 3 day ritual fast where you limit your food content to below 1,000 a day for 3 days. This will help your body to harness your fat stores and lose weight healthily. (NOTE: we strongly recommend that you DO NOT try this technique).

Alternatively, if you are finding it difficult to lose weight and jumpstart your weight loss plan, why not contemplate incorporating a herbal pill? Proven supplements such as Proactol can provide you with the guidance you need to eliminate up to 28% of your fat contentwhilst curbing your hunger levels and lowering your blood cholesterol.

Author Bio: Read more about best fat blockers and the best fat burner – get to know how to lose weight healthy.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: fat blockers, fat burner, lose weight

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