Tips For Better Advertising

Companies must understand that, assigning huge advertising budgets is not a guarantee of successful marketing campaign. Undoubtedly, money is an important factor but in the absence of intelligent marketing plan, the message will surely be wasted. Hence, a brand manager who collects correct information about their target audience, devises an appropriate marketing plan keeping in mind the product, place, promotion and price strategies, commonly known as 4 Ps of Marketing. The world today, offers not one but many tools that, when used expertly can result in not only grabbing the target market’s attention but also making them retain your message.

These tools include above the line (ATL) activities like TV and radio commercials and below the line (BTL) which includes print ads in newspapers, magazines, posters billboards and on internet. Advertising through company’s website and placing banner ads on highly visited websites like facebook etc. is quite effective

Following are few advertising techniques discussed which can easily be utilized to promote your product or service.

Don’t be afraid to spend money. You’ve heard the phrase that you have to spend money to make money. Don’t ignore this fact. In most every case it is true. Don’t skimp on your advertising budget. Ads are expensive for a reason – because they work. Also, don’t rely on word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth can be very valuable, but it doesn’t compare to mass media. This doesn’t mean you have to overspend. Shop around for rates on your chosen advertising media. Be prepared to pay the going rate, but be wary of overpaying.

It is an inevitable fact that customers would welcome free gifts from any company. Keeping this observation in mind, advertisers have come up with giving gifts to their target market for promoting their products or services. This technique is actually like killing two birds with a single pebble. Firstly, promotional gift (if it is your product) will make them use your product, even if they did not intend to. Secondly, they will remain extra attentive about you future campaigns, so that they do not miss out on similar promotional gifts offers.

A good option for online marketing is Google Adwords which is assigning few keywords for your website and if someone visits it, you pay per visit. You also place your ad at either the top or bottom of the Google search page that might capture surfers’ attention and gets clicked.

This feature is quite advantageous for businesses because if you get a visitor on your website after clicking the link, that means you have won half of the battle. Obviously, a person who has read 300-500 word article, has to have increased level of interest in the subject to click on related links. And the last step is making your website effective and impressive enough to encourage making a purchase.

A more effective advertising technique is creating your own ezine or newsletter, which is a free service. Many websites offer online and emailed courses for learning various skills like handwriting analysis, effective business writing etc. These will not be viewed unless; the visitor installs your advertising software in their computers. Therefore, you make them get exposed to your messages even if they had not wanted it. Verily, it is an effective method of advertising.

Author Bio: High traffic volume is key to making profit from your website, the Author shares the Adapter site. He is using all this techniques you read in the article for his Radioadapter project.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Internet,marketing,business,website,strategies,,communication,earn,money

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