Tips to Lower Your Grocery Bill When Shopping For Groceries

Even without the recent increases in food prices, are you spending more money than you need to when shopping for your groceries? Chances are if you regularly buy your groceries at the local grocery store or supermarket without a well thought out approach to cut cost, you are spending more money than you know.

Saving money shopping for groceries is more than clipping coupons. It takes a bit of knowledge and a lot of planning. But once you learn and understand the basics of the grocery game, it is not hard to develop a strategy to save money every time you do your grocery shopping.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when planning your next grocery shopping trip:

Shop with a list: Take an inventory of your home pantry and make a list of the items you need at the grocery store. The list will help your avoid buying duplicate items or items you don’t need that may go to waste.

Don’t shop hungry: Don’t go food shopping on an empty stomach. If you do, everything in the store will tempt you and you may find yourself go astray from your shopping list. If you go shopping Kamagra Soft between meals, you might want to consider eating a small snack before you go to curb your appetite.

Shop alone if you can: Don’t take your children or spouse with you on your grocery shopping trips – unless they are trained in for the grocery game. Those extra “helpers” can thrown you off track and add extra items that are not on your list.

Use unit pricing to determine the best deals: Use the unit price to make it easier to determine the best price when comparing different sized items. The unit price can tell you if a larger size is actually more economical than a smaller size item. Generally, larger packages cost less per unit than smaller packages.

Don’t buy precut items: You pay a premium for the convenient of having meats, cheeses and vegetables precut for you. Save money by buying whole chickens, whole vegetables and block cheese and cut them up yourself at home.

Look for the unadvertised mark downs: Don’t be inflexible with your shopping list. Be prepared to take advantage of in store specials that you didn’t know about. This takes some practice. Be flexible with your menu and be able to take advantage drastic markdowns on fresh meat or vegetables that are about to go out of date but are still perfectly good if cooked and eaten as soon as possible.

Check the receipt for errors: Stores are run by human beings and mistakes happen. Watch for mistakes at the check out and you just may end up getting free groceries.

Don’t forget to pick up your rain checks: It is actually a good thing when a store runs out of an advertised sales item. Take advantage of it and lock in the saving with a rain check from the store.

Saving money on your grocery bill is not that difficult but it does need planning and discipline on your part.

Author Bio: Save money on grocery bills by using coupons from online grocery coupons websites. Buying your groceries with coupons can save you hundreds of dollars a year. Visit for more ideas on where to find free grocery coupons to print from home.

Category: Finances
Keywords: free groceries, coupons, grocery game, rain checks, grocery store

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