Unconventional Marketing Methods

I had to take a trip to some place and boarded plane. Sitting next to me was a man and a woman sitting next to him was engaged talking to him. I had nothing much to do either but to listen to them. They were talking about marketing strategies that was quite interesting to hear since I myself find the subject quite interesting. I am involved in marketing business for quite a long time now. Their topic of discussion was guerilla marketing. As we all do know guerilla market is all about non conventional methods of marketing products. A quick glance at them told me that they were both engaged in the corporate field. The man was holding a bag with monogram of eyeglass Wear Company.

I was thinking of changing my outdated glasses and just felt like asking the person more about him and his company. During their conversation break I asked the man about the logo on his bag. He told me that he is an optometrist and owned the franchise of this company. I felt like asking him more about the company and then to visit them when the lady next to him interrupted and told the optometrist that she was too working for the same company. Upon hearing that the man shifted his attention and totally ignored me. It was rather rude and it turned my mood off.

Now they were both engaged in discussing the company policies and strategies. Then one of them objected to the company advertising and marketing strategies that despite their every effort seemed to be failing. I tried to intervene but they seemed to be too engaged with their corporate matters and hence ignored their possible potential future buyer.

I heard the optometrist telling her companion that their company strategies failed because they had failed to adopt guerilla marketing strategies. The lady concurred and said that the company has to build new strategies this time. While all this time they were ignoring their next customer to be.

I was pissed off and could not help but tell myself that these people just happen to be the reason to fail the marketing strategies themselves. They could have won the heart of another person and make her their loyal brand follower easily. Guerilla marketing is all about the relationship building with your prospective clients and here they are doing exactly the opposite. How can they succeed when they had such attitude with possible customer of future? Hence I realized that their negligence is the failure of their marketing strategy.

Unconventional methods are those nontraditional marketing strategies that have brought a new change about the performance of corporate sector. Guerilla strategies involve people and interaction with our customers is very important for these strategies to work.

Failure to these strategies is not the failure of techniques but people and their general behavior. If that optometrist and his colleague had ever grasped the idea behind guerilla tactics they may have not lost their one customer. Bad marketing is all about attitude of people.

Author Bio: High traffic volume is key to making profit from your website, the Author shares the Adapter site. He is using all this techniques you read in the article for his Radioadapter project.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: Internet,marketing,business,website,strategies,powernetshop.at,communication,earn,money

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