Weight Loss Camps Provide New Friendship Possibilities

Have you ever noticed that obese children often have other overweight friends? This is no accident. Generally, obese children end up the outcasts of social groups and so they befriend each other. These friendships are not necessarily by choice, but rather are based on the fact that both obese children failed to make any other friends. Fat camps for kids allow overweight teens to experience making new friends without being unfairly judged by their weight. Instead, they get to make friends based on common interests and tastes, personality compatibility, and many other things.

Most friendships are built on a foundation of common interests. Two people generally find they like the same things and also dislike the same things. From these similarities, friendship flourishes. However, many fat kids don’t have the luxury of choosing their friends. They simply end up friends with the other outcasts at school. This is because many obese kids are unfairly treated and judged based only on their weight.

Children that have been obese for the majority of their lives usually come to accept the fact that they aren’t readily accepted by others. Some obese children find ways of gaining acceptance. For instance, an obese child might find he can be accepted into a social group by acting the role of a clown or joker, or perhaps by being especially helpful to others.

Most obese children find it difficult to make the sports teams. Their extra weight holds them back and keeps them from being competitive. Some fat kids take a position doing menial jobs for the team in order to feel they are a part of it. Overweight girls have a similar problem getting accepted. Many obese girls find they can become part of a social group by offering to help people with their homework or by lending out useful items.

Most children who are obese look for others that are overweight. These friendships are based on their shared problems instead of common interests. Sometimes the only kids willing to accept an overweight child as a friend are those who are themselves overweight. Weight loss camp allows overweight kids to make friends in a new way. They finally get to experience making friends on even footing.

At weight loss camps everyone is overweight, so weight is no longer the deciding factor when forming friendships. This gives overweight children the ability to experience peer interactions in a new way, and they can form friendships on similar personality traits and interests.

Weight loss camp provides a whole new freedom of choice for many kids. Instead of waiting at the side and letting all the other kids have the fun, they get to be one of the “normal” kids. Generally these camps have lots of kids, and they are all eager to meet new people and have fun. For many, this experience is like nothing else they have experienced before, and they get to partake in a wide range of social interactions that they may have been left out from in the past.

For girls, weight loss camps provide an atmosphere in which weight isn’t a deciding factor for beauty. For the first time, many overweight girls are told they are beautiful by their peers; the element of weight is taken from the equation and no longer used for judgment. This experience gives girls a wonderful boost in confidence.

The camp experience is beneficial to overweight children. They finally get to be themselves and be accepted for who they are. They get to experience making friends and enjoying social interactions with a wide array of people, which gives their self-esteem a much needed boost.

Author Bio: Joe Busch specializes in writing articles related to healthy weight loss for kids. He focuses on proper diets, exercise, and what used to be called fat camp. Parents with children that struggle with their weight should consider weight loss camps to jump start the process.

Category: Family Concerns
Keywords: weight loss camps,obese children,weight loss camp, kids, teens, parents, health, weight loss, fat

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