Weight Loss With HCA From ShopPharmacyCounter.com

The fascinating story of HCA began in 1965, when chemists in India first isolated and identified HCA as the principal acid in garcinia cambogia and garcinia indica. It turned out to be no ordinary ingredient. HCA appeared to keep excess carbohydrates from being converted into fat.

This amazing discovery sparked the interest of Hoffmann-La Roche, a huge pharmaceutical company, which sponsored the early groundbreaking studies on HCA at Brandeis University. Research continued for many years. In test tube studies and animal experiments, researchers found that this natural compound did indeed block fat production a finding that was observed in rat liver cell cultures and in the livers of live rats that were given HCA orally or by injection.

The researchers discovered that HCA short-circuits the action of ATP-citrate lyase, an enzyme involved in the conversion of carbohydrates into fat. After you eat a meal, any carbohydrate not used immediately for energy or stored as glycogen is turned into fat in the liver by ATP-citrate lyase. HCA blocks this enzyme and, in the process, curtails the creation of acetyl coenzyme A, a biochemical factor that provides the building blocks for the production of fat. Thus, with a one-two punch, HCA slows down the fat-making process.

HCA Encourages Fat-Burning
According to investigators who study HCA, the production of new fat accounts for a very small portion of weight gain. One study found that the liver manufactured less than a half a gram of fat per rlay (that’s about an eighth of a teaspoon). Thus, they feel that HCA’s greatest potential may lie not just in its ability to block fat formation but also in its ability to enhance fat-burning.

How does HCA stimulate fat-burning? Again, the chain of events involves enzymes. At the cellular level, HCA interferes with the production of yet another enzyme, malonyl coenzyme A, also involved in fat synthesis. When malonyl coenzyme A is in short supply, more fat is burned.

HCA Suppresses the Appetite
Wouldn’t it be terrific if you could cut your body’s hunger signals off at the pass and do it naturally, without resorting to dangerous appetite-suppressing drugs? It is possible, thanks to HCA’s ability to curb the appetite.

The early research into HCA showed that feeding HCA to test animals prevented weight gain in young, growing rats. The rats tended to eat less even those rats whose appetite-control centers in the brain had been surgically removed! What’s more, very little HCA was found in the rats’ brains. Based on this finding, the researchers suggested that the appetite-curbing effect of HCA may be centered not in the brain (as it is for many appetite-suppressing drugs) but in the liver.

Why the liver? One of the jobs of the liver is to convert energy-containing nutrients from the food you eat into two storage systems: glycogen (the storage form of carbohydrates) and some fat. Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscles, and is used to supply your body’s ongoing energy needs. When required for energy, glycogen can be called out of storage in the liver and disassembled into glucose (blood sugar) to fuel the work of your body’s cells.

Like a restaurant customer who tells his server he’s had enough to eat, the liver lets the brain know when its glycogen stores are filled to capacity. Messages from receptors (specialized cells connected to nerve fibers) in the liver are relayed to the brain via the vagus nerve, a direct communication route to the brain. Once the brain gets the message, your desire to eat dies down.

So where does HCA fit in? The early studies found that HCA accelerates the production and storage of glycogen. This action stimulates the receptors in the liver to signal the brain that glycogen stores are full. The net effect is appetite suppression.

Another appetite-regulating factor related to the presence of HCA may be in force, too. A greater availability of glycogen helps offset low blood sugar and the cravings usually associated with you.

Author Bio: Georgiy Kharchenko – best herbal weight loss, caffeine fat burners, original eca stack

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: supplements, vitamins, weight loss pills, ephedra, herbs, stimerex, lipodrene, ephedra products

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