What is Love and Does it Really Exist?

What is love and does it really exist? The answer is yes. When people think they are in love they assume it will be forever and nothing can change that. But when something happens to change that, they then lose that theory or fall in love over and over again. First, what is love? Traditionally, love is unconditional mutual feelings of respect, loyalty, and trust. But sometimes people think they are in love and they are just in lust. In this article you will be shown what is love and does it really exist?

Sometimes love at first sight happens and lasts forever, but some people just cannot wait for that moment in their life to happen. These are the people that ask the question, what is love and does it really exist? For these people they fall in love over and over again, when this happens it usually ends in heartache more than once in their life. Patience is a virtue. This is what most people cannot do, because either they are in a hurry for love or just want the feeling of ownership, he or she is mine forever! They say there in love to gain some kind of control over someone else by taking advantage of their weaknesses.

Control is sometimes confused with love because the person in control also hasn’t found love, was never shown it growing up, or was in love and was hurt badly by someone who never really loved them to begin with. So, what is love and does it really exist? Love happens in time have patience to find love you will know when it happens. You will not only feel comfortable with that person you will know you can see yourself with that person for the rest of your life. Living in the now is not the way to think when finding love. Think about how far in the future you can see yourself with that person.

Does the person satisfy you in every way, not just in the bedroom or by the way they look or act. You should become friends first; see if you trust the person with everything and everyone in your life. Does the person put you first in their life? Do they respect and support you in everything you do; you will only know this by spending time with the person. Do not ever settle for less, do not sacrifice your beliefs or yourself for what you think is love because if you do than you will find yourself asking yourself what is love and the answer would be I’m not in love I’m settling.

In summary, what is love and does it exist is a question you should ask yourself but if you are asking that question than you haven’t found it yet. Be patient, someone will come into your life one day that will not only be your lover, but your best friend. This person will be the one person you cannot wait to see or you cannot be without. But remember, the feelings have to be mutual in order to find love. So, if you are asking the question what is love and does it really exist than the answer is no you haven’t.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts loves to just browse around in the stores, looking for the perfect gift for her daughter. Christine has written a site containing reviews on girls bedroom furniture, as well as kids bedroom sets and kid bedroom furniture

Category: Relationships
Keywords: find love,found love,love happens,true love,does love exist,finding love

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