Why Happiness is Hard to Find?

Have you ever thought to yourself, or pondered the question of what happiness is? If you do, you are not alone. In fact, there are many people who often wonder this question. The point being, there are many different aspects of happiness and each person has their own opinion on what happiness is.

Often this ever-changing definition of what happiness is seems to have changed over time. If you were to have asked anyone during the 1920’s what happiness is, there might be many people who answer health, food and shelter.

Now in today’s world if you were to ask someone the same question they may say, money or a nice cialis cheap car. There may even be a few people who state that being in good health would bring them happiness.

With this said, it is very apparent that our values changed and people have changed as well. The ultimate dream is to be rich, successful and popular. But at what cost to you? And why do so many people see these items as the keys to what will bring them happiness? If these are the items that bring happiness, why do people continue searching for more when they have already obtained these things?

When we begin focusing more on obtaining instead of experiencing that is when we don’t even realize the happiness we already have in our lives. When we focus more on everything we have and less on what we want that is when we learn to be happy.

When we base our happiness on material things or items that need to be obtained we tend to lose sight of what is really important to us. It isn’t until tragedy strikes that we begin to appreciate what we have and what we can make do with.

But why is it that it must take a tragic situation or life event to happen before we realize what we have? This is because we often put the important things in our life on the back burner. For instance, our relationships with others our love lives are the aspects in our lives that get only a fraction of our attention.

When we learn to experience life for what it is and what we have that is when happiness can be experienced. It will not be found in a shiny sports car or in a raise at work.

When we learn to appreciate what is happening in our lives in the moment that is when we can free ourselves from searching and instead let things be.

Everything else in our lives will fall into place because we have learned to accept life for what it is. We will feel more relieved and happier because of it. The time saved from searching can then be time spent experiencing life with our loved ones and developing our values.

The relationships with family and loved ones will become more important then chasing the dream; instead the dream will be living life to the fullest.

Author Bio: Want to find out more about calgary counseling, then visit Dr. Dan McKinnon’s site on how to choose the best therapist calgary for your needs.

Category: Advice
Keywords: calgary counseling,therapist calgary,therapy calgary,therapists calgary

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