Working From Home-The Discipline Factor

Deciding to work at home is a huge step towards obtaining financial independence and having an optimized lifestyle. But all too often, people fall victim to distractions and their productivity levels fall off sharply. So we need to ask ourselves why this happens and what we can do to address this inadequacy.

When working a normal 9 to 5 J.O.B., most people base their level of productivity on their surrounding atmosphere of coworkers doing similar if not the same tasks. This gives you a baseline on which to compare ones self as to how much productivity is actually being produced. But when you work at home, there is nothing to reflect on in your home business except what your upline is doing or what you hear on webinars or training calls on the phone, so the end of the equation is you start to slow down and not achieve the wanted results.

There are also many distractions through out the work day at home which will most assuredly lead you off the beat and path. Phone calls is a huge problem I’ve got, others that come to mind are the newspaper, emails, house cleaning, laundry, the family pet’s. All which is ok and needs to be addressed, but only by applying proper time management when you work from home.

Time management is a very key thing to master when working from home. It is very easy to set up a schedule using a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Works or Google documents. Plan out what you need to accomplish and at what time of day you want to do this, and stick to your schedule and get the work done. Certain tasks require a certain amount of time, while others require a certain outcome or level of completion. I use both of these. If you are just starting out with your work from home business, you’ll have to experiment a little and find out how long it takes to do things. Certain things I do, I give myself a certain amount of time, for example , social media, and if I don’t finish, It’s ok because it won’t make or break me. But then when I write articles, That usually takes time to complete, and if your looking to submit a certain number of articles per day, I have to use my time accordingly. If I finish up early, I move on to the next and I don’t go back because tomorrow is another day. That’s one of the benefits when working from home.

Another aspect of productivity and how to maximize it could be to dress like you on your way to the office. Now, keeping in mind with the people that don’t care to follow this measure because that could be a big factor as to why they decided to work at home, these people feel more casual, and dress more casual, I’ve been told some don’t dress at all, and theses people can still be top earners in their niche. Either way, you should still get up and shower, dress to your taste, and hopefully this will put you in a state of mind that will help your productivity.

You also need to have a dedicated workspace. Particularly a room with a door, with no bed in it would be great. A comfortable chair to take a break from the toil is also a good choice. A window to let the day, or night in, which ever time frame you work in, is also critical. I know I enjoy fresh air. That helps me allot.

We should also state here that some people tend to feel trapped, or shut in. You need to take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, this should be seen on your time management spreadsheet, Kamagra Gold and extra time added accordingly. Get a glass of water, not coffee, not soda, not alcohol, but water. Your brain and body runs on water. Water is to your body as gasoline is to your vehicle. My mentor taught me this in the beginning and I said the same thing, “Your crazy”. But you know, he was right. The first thing I do when I get up is drink a large glass of water to rehydrate my body. Then I’ll eat something and have a few cups of coffee, but when break time comes on the hour, it’s water. It really does help your mind and body function better. And by the way, taking breaks every hour is another perk when you work from home.

Problem could also arise to the fact that you just can’t work at home due to space constraints. Maybe you don’t have an extra room in the house and your PC is right next to the TV. a great option is to rent some cheap office space somewhere, or just a room. You wouldn’t technically be working from home, but at least you’d still be in charge.

You should also keep in mind that there will be days when you have to leave the house, to do your shopping, doctors appointments, work on your own vehicles, sports activities with the kids, and you may not get nothing accomplished. But that’s ok and that’s the beauty of working at home, you don’t have to tell the boss that you have to leave early, or take a day off because your in command.

Working at home to achieve financial freedom and at the same time, optimizing your lifestyle is the way to go if you have the discipline to be productive. It requires timeliness and consistency just like any other job, but if you get it right, it can be very rewarding. So get your spreadsheets out and start being the master of your craft.


Author Bio: To learn more about Thomas, log on to Additional information is available at

Category: Career

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