2010 A Sad Year For The Ravens

This will be the season that the Ravens will make their way into the playoff picture. Oh wait wrong fortune cookie, 2010 will be the year that the fans will want to make sure that they forget down the road. There are a lot of things that can be said about the team, calling them a winner would be an overstretch when it comes to this season. The team is poised to do nothing remarkable and memorable.

The NFL draft is a classic example of a team going nowhere fast. After what they did by trading their first round picks, this lead a lot of people to question the sanity of the team, and the teams management. It is in a rare case that a team will give away their first round draft pick, the only reason this would happen is if there was a huge player that they were getting in return. This was not the case as they got nothing in exchange except a lot of people shaking their heads.

One chance to get a decent player and they blew it. Those that say the Name Joe Flaco are just as insane as the management of the Ravens. This is a player that is past his prime, and needs to just retire and enjoy his retirement. The Ravens could have got a quarterback to replace Flaco, instead they wasted their chances.

But wait there is the hope that a running game will bring to this team that is desperate for a hero. This is yet again another case of where is the talent at. The Ravens running game looks like bingo time at the old folk’s home, a lot of excitement, but very little action. If you are looking for a strong showing from the running game, keep looking.

Then there is the defense that will make the team look unstoppable. This is the first statement that has been said that was true. There are few teams that can stop the defense that they will be facing. Ray Lewis is a machine. Just the mere mention of his name and the teams are stopped dead in their tracks. There is no answer for this defense that they will be faced with in 2010.

Looking at the schedule of the team would indicate that the team has an easy year ahead of them. This would be true if the team was looking at having an offense that was stoppable in the long run. This simply is just not the case and the team will suffer in trying to get past a rather easy schedule.

In the end there is little good news that will come from this season for the Ravens, there are teams that will be better and those that will be worse, in the end, there will be a lot of sad Sunday’s for those that are faithful to the Ravens and feel that this team can be a better team than they are.

Author Bio: Freddie Brister is a retired Coach. His history with the game gives him an intresting view of it. You can check out his Baltimore Ravens Watch or his Texas Rangers Watch or his Boston Red Sox Watch

Category: Sports
Keywords: Baltimore Ravens

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