3 Easy Ways to Get Stronger For Martial Arts

Many athletes do not gain their complete strength and conditioning potential. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not make frequent improvements at each session. Each time that you visit the gym you should make small goals that you can achieve. Always try to push yourself to the limit without burning out. Learn to recognize your limits and never go past them. In this article I list 3 ways to get stronger for martial arts.

As you get stronger then you should increase the work you do in the same amount of time. Combat technique is practiced by many, but strength is needed to improve. Many people do not understand this and might neglect one of the most important parts of being a martial artist.

Anyone who is practicing combat technique needs to add strength training in their regimen. Just as a bodybuilder adds strength training, the same should be true for combat training. One way of getting stronger for combat technique is by lifting free weights which are much better than machines. You can add machines if free weights are a problem but, just make sure that you get a balanced workout. Getting the balance right can be tricky, but it is very important to your success.

Another important factor is that you should be specific to your type of fighting. Depending on the sport you practice then getting the balance right between strength training and other physical conditioning can be complex. You can start by using conventional equipment like barbells and dumbbells. Kettle-bells can also be used, but sometimes they can be bulky. That is why the clubell is probably the best exercise equipment for martial arts.

Building muscle is very important although increased muscle does not mean you are stronger. It is important to concentrate on your core when you lift weights. The stomach and back are what your muscles depend on so it is important that these are strong. Weakness in the back can cause weakness in the stomach and vice versa. If the stomach is strong then the back will be strong also.

You also need to concentrate on eating properly and bulking up, but you also need to work on your endurance. There are many elements that are needed for a fighter to get stronger for martial arts. So the next best way is concentrating on your endurance and making sure you are eating the right kinds of food.

Cardio exercise is also very important for getting stronger. Lifting weights three times a week should be incorporated into your lifestyle and this needs to combine a variety of presses, curls, squats and other free weights. Along with weight training a good cardiovascular workout is necessary. This can be anything from running on the treadmill to cycling. Find something that you enjoy and include that into your workout program.

Strength as well as speed are some of the most important aspects for karate. Speed is more important than strength and it is also extremely important to practice jumping. It would therefore be beneficial to buy a skipping rope and practice jumping with it. Jumping is an essential skill needed in karate and other martial arts. To summarize, there are many ways of getting stronger for martial arts and it is best to use a combination of these approaches.

Author Bio: This article was written by Dustin Fennell owner and operator of Martial Arts Equipment Direct. We provide martial artists with the highest quality gear at a great price. Check out or great selection of sparring gear and martial arts shoes from all your favorite brands in the styles you’ll love.

Category: Sports
Keywords: martial arts,getting stronger,strength training

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