3 Weight Loss Motivation Tips to Keep Your Weight Loss on Track

If you want to lose weight but have struggled to follow through in the past, you can absolutely slim down easily this time around, but you do have to ensure that you don’t fall into your old diet traps (at least without having weight loss motivation tips that work!).

To ensure that you stay focused on even the toughest days, it helps to have weight loss motivation tips on hand that remind you why you’re doing all this great work to get your body healthy, fit and fabulous.

Here are 3 powerful weight loss motivation tips to guide you:

1) Make the time you spend concentrating on losing weight as fun and interesting as possible. Whether you’re a single mom with little outside help with your children or you’re a married mom simply juggling the busy schedules of multiple kids, losing weight tends to be pretty low on the priority list of things to accomplish every day, which is why it’s likely been a problem in the past. However, my favorite weight loss motivation tips involve fun because if you can find ways to ensure that you’re enjoying yourself, you’ll find ways to want to press on even on tougher days.

Combine food prep with kid time. Recruit little ones to “help” you in the kitchen by chopping fruit or veggies with a dull knife while you’re making a healthy dish. Use small kids’ body weight in your workouts instead of barbells, or let the kids be your spotter during your routine if you are using small, safe weights. Or simply turn on some music and dance away with your kids or on your own. The best part is that being active helps you feel better, manage stress and increases your energy level, so find ways to be active that you love, even if it’s not a normal gym workout.

The simplest weight loss motivation tips are often the very best ones, and this one alone can be all it takes to get you focused.

2) Set a goal to simplify your focus. Do not simply say, “I want to lose weight”. Be specific so that the goal is attainable and personalized to your needs. You will also need to set a time frame. Saying ambiguous things like “by my birthday” or “by the winter” will not help you achieve your goal.

The less specific you are, the more weight loss motivation tips you’ll need because you’re not telling your mind which direction to go – which is the equivalent of saying “I’d like to go to the grocery store” and then driving around aimlessly trying this road and then that one without necessarily getting even one mile closer to your goal.

I don’t typically recommend goals like losing a particular number of pounds in a week simply because we cannot control the rate at which our bodies lose weight healthfully, but at the same time, we can absolutely set and achieve goals like taking care of our bodies with healthy, weight-loss-promoting foods for 6 weeks. Aim to achieve things you can control rather than things that are out of your hands, and you’ll feel more steady throughout the process.

This is one of the most powerful weight loss motivation tips of all because if you can get focused on a specific goal, it’s much easier to achieve success.

3) Partner with a friend who’s also looking to slim down and you’ll find that your motivation stays much stronger due to the accountability factor alone, much less having someone to keep you company. You may even be able to ask your husbands to take turns watching the kids while you and your buddy work out, prep food or brainstorm how to handle tough situations. You can also share recipes and weight loss motivation tips, as well as information on local resources that support your weight loss.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you want your healthy new habits to become part of The Flow – which is what I call it when you hit your stride, and suddenly it seems much easier to stay on track without needing a lot of outside weight loss motivation tips.

Following these weight loss motivation tips should help you reach The Flow even sooner. Give each idea an honest try even if it initially seems too simple to make a difference, and you’ll be getting results in no time!

Author Bio: Calling all moms! Want to get thin, healthy and fabulous by achieving healthy weight loss that energizes you as you lose weight naturally? Moms get FREE weight loss advice, motivation, recipes and family-friendly healthy lifestyle tips at http://www.LeanGreenMama.com

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss motivation, weight loss motivation tips, weight loss

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